Watch Law & Order: SVU online to relive this case ripped straight from the headlines. Featuring a young starlet's sordid past and public persona, watch online to catch any parallels that may have intially eluded you.

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Watch Law & Order: SVU Season 16 Episode 3 online to see Detective Amaro be reinstated to the SVU squad, and Sergeant Benson tackle the strange and convulted case of Tensley Evans - a victimized victimizer.

Evans first accuses Detective Amaro of trying to seduce her, but her accusations are proven to be false almost immediately. It becomes more difficult to trust her statements, but she eventually begins to reveal the skeletons in her closet one by one, outing the famed director Adam Brubeck as a pedophilic rapist and murder.

Evans, herself, is accused to statutory rape for performing a sexual act on a fifteen year old boy, but as charges aren't pressed, and her own past is revealed, Benson's focus shifts to arresting and charging Brubeck.

Adam Brubeck's well known pool parties appear to be the center for the abuse, but he's clearly perfected skirting the law and charging him with a crime proves to be a hefty challenge.

Watch Law & Order: SVU Season 16 Episode 3 online to witness how Sergeant Benson and her squad eventually track down a victim of Brubeck's in Canada, and finally arrest the degenerate director on counts of sexual tourism and underage sexual assault.

Episode Details

On Law & Order: SVU Season 16 Episode 3, Sergeant Benson investigates a provactive young actress's past when the starlet is charged with statuatory rape.

Rating: 4.4 / 5.0 (15 Votes)
Law & Order: SVU
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