Josh and Allie Come Into a Room - CSI: Vegas Season 3 Episode 10

Josh Folsom shines his flashlight and holds his hand on his side as he enters a room at a crime scene ahead of partner and boss Allie Rajan.

The CSI team stand in a circle - CSI: Vegas Season 3 Episode 10

All of the members of the CSI team stand in a circle at the crime scene lab in their official crime scene investigator vests to discuss a case.

Sexual Tension - CSI: Vegas Season 2 Episode 15

Allie and Josh exhibited sexual tension when working together.

A Real Chance - CSI: Vegas Season 3 Episode 3

Allie encourages Josh to be honest and supports him.

Anxious and Restless - CSI: Vegas

Allie Rajan becomes anxious and restless when she becomes trapped.

CSI: Vegas Quotes

Deputy: The detectives are asking if there's any more guns in the house.
Brass: Guns? Sure. There's a bunch. But LVPD is good at their jobs. They'll find them.

Maxine: The homeowner is Jim Brass.
Allie: Is this going to be like the time I didn't know who Drew Carey was.