Jamie: All this over an air fryer? Seriously? You got any weapons?
Kid: No.
Jamie: You got the wrong cop, they might have snapped, drawn their weapon. All over an air fryer.
Kid: My mom wanted one for her birthday.

Twisting the concerns of the handicapped to your own ends? You make me sick.


Jamie: Pruitt's met eveyrone in FIO but he's never met you.
McNichols: I'm listening.
Jamie: Pruitt hasn't actually met any of the guys he worked with face-to-face. He's the money handler, but he does everything online.
McNichols: COVID had even the bad guys working from home, huh?

Eddie: I have full faith in you.
Jamie: I used to. But with AI deepfakes and whatever else is coming next, it's like we're coming at this with rocks and spears.

Jamie: I never called you. Damn it, I should have seen this coming. PRuitt worked for a firm that uses AI to fake voices.
McNichols: I could have got you killed.
Jamie: It's not your fault. These guys are damn good.

Lieutenant: You blatantly disregarded my order.
Jamie: I meant no disrespect. I was just doing my job.
Lieutenant: Your job? Your job is to follow orders. So here's my last one on this case. Drop it, or suffer the consequences.

Lieutenant: We have limited resources, Reagan, and all you have is speculation.
Jamie: With all due respect, I've studied the drug trade. This can be a big win for us.
Lieutenant: Can be won't cut it. Move on.

I've done this job for a long time, dealt with the loss, long before you even thought of being a cop. You don't think all of us played the blame game at one point or another, asked ourselves what we could have done differently? And that is why I will not work with you. Because I don't want to have to ask myself if I did enough to protect you too. I won't.

Jamie: I don't need you helping me. I got this.
Joe Hill: Like you did when my dad died?

Jamie: I'm not running a joint operation here. Especially not with someone who has less time on the force than me! I gotta go. I'm gone too long, they start getting suspicious.
[Jamie leaves]
Joe: I've been on this mission three months. I have no intention of backing off.

Jamie's Boss: You okay staying on the inside?
Jamie: Yes, sir.
Boss: Cause an assignment like this, it can get inside your head.
Jamie: I'm in this til we take him down.

It's good to be home.