Jamie: I never called you. Damn it, I should have seen this coming. PRuitt worked for a firm that uses AI to fake voices.
McNichols: I could have got you killed.
Jamie: It's not your fault. These guys are damn good.

Turns out bad guys aren't allowed to bleed out.


Erin: Roast has been delivered.
Frank: A grateful family thanks you and a stubborn father apologizes to you.

McNichols: Things got tense when I brought up work.
Matthews: Same with me. I just assumed it was cause I'm Black.
Eddie: well, Matthews, it seems Shields Academy does discriminate. Just not in the way we thought.

Christina: When did it become illegal to have faith?
Danny: It isn't, but leaving your child unsupervised is.
Christina: I will regret that for the rest of my life.
Baez: Now you get to do right by her.
Christina: I have to sort that out with God.
Danny: Well. first you have to sort it out with us at the station. You're under arrest.

Sid: Why are we doing this?
Frank: It's the right thing to do.
Frank: Well, it's happening anyway.

Frank: I'm sorry for what you're going through.
Geri: All due respect, I can't cash a sorry. I need answers. I need my car.

Woman: Very pleased to meet you, sir.
Frank: And you wanted to see me because...?
Woman: The NYPD stole my car.

Erin: I'll be honest. Being a lawyer is nothing like on TV. Cases aren't wrapped up in a week or an hour. And we don't always get the bad guy.
Kid: Then why do you do it?
Erin: Because I love that whatever happens, I know I've done my best to get them justice.

Danny: When I blamed you for killing the old man, I was blaming the old you, not the man you are today.
Sonny: I am only the man I am today because of you, Detective.

Terry: What's clear to me is your people won't move on this without you weighing in.
Frank: You're losing support and you want me to step in to make up the difference.
Terry: That has no relation to the truth.
Frank: In my experience, saying that means it is in a bear hug with the truth.

Lieutenant: You blatantly disregarded my order.
Jamie: I meant no disrespect. I was just doing my job.
Lieutenant: Your job? Your job is to follow orders. So here's my last one on this case. Drop it, or suffer the consequences.