Questioning Her Decisions - Euphoria
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Rue wakes up and is in bed with Jules.

They are very much together, and very much happy.

Jules is nervous about going away to school for a presentation.

Rue comforts her, and tells her that, despite what happens, they will be fine.

We quickly cut to Rue doing drugs in the diner bathroom.

She goes out and speaks to Ali, her sponsor, and tells him that she's on the straight and narrow.

She says that she has found the right balance between her life and is totally fine.

Ali says he knows she is talking crap and they start talking about what happened to get her to this point.

She details her feelings and how she can't come back from almost attacking her mom with a glass shard.

Ali said that his life has not been without its hurdles, and that she can bring this back.

He took issue with her talking as though she's lived her life. She's 17, and not an adult.

In the end, she agrees to go with him.

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Euphoria Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

I Put Up A Good Fight But I Lost. For The First Time, But Not The Last.


I Just Showed Up One Day Without A Map Or A Compass.
