Open Mike Night - Ginny & Georgia Season 2 Episode 5
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Ginny is conflicted about knowing everything and what to do, knowing her mom's secret.

Paul decides Georgia can be in charge of the mayoral social media account. Georgia wants to host a winter carnival for the women's and children's shelter.

Mr. Gitten asks Ginny to select a book for the class.

Georgia apologizes to Nick, trying to smooth things over.

Padma wants to host an open mic night, and Joe agrees since it gets him out of catering Georgia's party.

Ginny complains to Zion that Mr. Gitten is making her choose a book to teach the class about the Black experience. Her dad said that's not her job, but it may teach them something important.

Ginny hates that her mom is hosting a murder mystery party, given her past.

Zion calls upset that he's left out of Ginny's life, and Georgia suggests he and Paul grab a beer. Neither man looks thrilled.

Georgia appeals to Nick's ego and asks him to be in the wedding.

Ginny and her therapist discuss her having a safe spot, and she asks Ginny if Georgia is safe.

Ginny wonders why her mom never punished her for the party. Ginny, her friends, and their moms are making latkes.

Paul and Zion have an awkward meet-up at the cafe. Paul, Zion, and Joe discuss Ginny's struggle.

Paul returns home and finds a gun. He's upset because Georgia knows his policy on guns.

Georgia wants to confront Mr. Gitten, but Ginny won't let her.

Cynthia and Joe get emotional at Padma's song about the one who got away.

Ginny read her poem at open mic night. It was about the sins of the mother. Georgia heard it.

Austin's dad, Gil, shows up at school.

Ginny & Georgia
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Ginny & Georgia Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Zach: Why do I have to make a family tree? My dad is dying.
Austin: My dad is in prison.

Paul: One more thing—Georgia is now in charge of mayoral social media.
Georgia: Really?
Nick: I don’t advise…
Paul: You are creative, and you know how people think, so of course, you can do it.