On Law & Order: SVU Season 24 Episode 20, Benson tries to help a teenage girl who was sexually assaulted by people she trusted to take care of her.


Law & Order: SVU Season 24 Episode 20 revolves around a teenager who was groomed and sexually assaulted by her debate coaches.

After a debate team star is arrested for setting a team bus on fire, SVU is called to the scene, as the arson detective suspects she was raped. Naomi is initially defensive and belligerent. She accuses the boys who have been bullying her of raping her.

The boys are brought in after the rape kit comes back. They all deny it and one accuses the cops of racism. His son tells them that Naomi's debate coaches did it.

There's a video. Naomi admits she lied but tells Benson that usually she made out with Helene while Parker watched but this time Helene held her down and Parker raped her.

Carisi says he needs more evidence to go to trial. He wants to talk to Naomi to make sure she's not holding anything else back. Naomi tells him she's a skilled debater and she can make the case, but Carisi warns her not to try to argue the law on the stand.

Naomi doesn't listen and responds like a lawyer, especially when the defense attorney accuses her of lying and of wanting sex.

Meanwhile, another former student claims he had a consensual relationship with the Youngs when he was a teenager and it's no big deal. Naomi recognizes him. He was a previous debate star who dropped out of Harvard, and the cops learn that he was abusing substances and not going to class. They realize he was raped too.

Fin talks to Colin in the bathroom and Colin insists he only wanted sex with Helene, not Parker. Carisi uses this to get Colin to accuse Parker of rape on the stand.

To find out what happens, watch Law & Order: SVU Season 24 Episode 20 online.

Episode Details

On Law & Order: SVU Season 24 Episode 20, Benson helps a student after she's assaulted on a field trip, but Fin suspects a witness may not be telling the truth.

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Law & Order: SVU Season 24 Episode 20 Quotes

Churlish: Should we bring them in before they go back to Albany?
Benson: Let's wait for the rape kit. And then we bring in the whole team, debate or no debate.

Benson: You're a very smart girl, Naomi, and you get top grades. But sometimes things happen that we aren't equipped to deal with.
Naomi: And sometimes a fire is just a fire.