A Milestone Episode - NCIS
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Director Vance visits his wife Jackie's grave.

His estranged son Jared appears at the gravesite as well.

Jared can't understand why Leon kept giving so much to NCIS, even after Jackie's death.

In the midst of their argument, Vance collapses after being shot.

Cybertechie Curtis admits he wants to expand his role at NCIS. He hopes to shadow the team.

At the hospital, Jared presents McGee and Parker with a diagram of the shooting scene.

Kasie says it was done with a long-range rifle, at least 1,000 yards away.

While Jessica and Nick investigate the sniper's nest, they find a note saying "Enjoy the show" then see three explosions.

Tobias Fornell's garage was the third target, after two other explosions connected to NCIS.

Nick has a video chat with Kensi and Tennant.

Jimmy says visitors can't do anything to raise Vance's heart rate.

Vance immediately wants an update from Parker and McGee. 

He appoints McGee as acting director.

Every employee receives fake alerts that their homes had been attacked.

McGee gets Fletcher Voss, Bandium's director, to investigate the hack of his system.

Jared's online girlfriend Lindsay is in D.C., but he didn't know. She meant it to be a romantic gesture.

Torres finds tar on Lindsay's boots under her bed, like there was at the sniper's nest..

He gets her to drop the gun she had and arrests her.

There were bomb parts and a sniper rifle in Lindsay's room.

Kasie determines Lindsay got radicalized against NCIS by GravitasMom, another member of a conspiracy message board, about three months ago.

The power in the building has been hacked by a virus, which started about the same time Voss plugged in his phone to charge.

Jess and Curtis interrogate Voss.

An audit of Bandium's books shows the company was broke. So he needed the NCIS contract.

He was GravitasMom, who pushed Lindsay in the right direction.

But he didn't plant the virus. Lindsay did to out Voss.

Tobias remembers a quote Lindsay used from the first case he worked with Gibbs 20 years ago.

Lindsay is the daughter of a terrorist who Gibbs killed before he could assassinate the president on Air Force One.

McGee figures out that the virus on Voss's phone was meant to infect Air Force One, so she could succeed in killing the President where her father failed.

The Secret Service won't ground the plane. So the team blocks the runaway to stop its takeoff.

Jared and Vance finally have their talk, apologizing to each other.

He recalled a conversation they had about NCIS when Jared was much younger.














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NCIS Season 21 Episode 7 Quotes

McGee: Curtis? You OK?
Curtis: I will be after three more minutes of Vitamin D.
McGee: Got the basement blues?
Curtis: Working in a room with no widows puts you in a dark place.

Vance: I could never understand [Jared], not like you.
Jared: That goes both ways.