Kate Walsh Speaks on Private Practice Love Life

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Private Practice star Kate Walsh promises that despite Season One being cut short by the writers’ strike last winter, the Grey's Anatomy spin-off will be juicier than ever when it returns this fall (October 1).

That means more fun for Addison Montgomery, who is settled into her new L.A. digs and ready to explore a love life outside the workplace.

“You’ll see Addison dating,” Walsh told People. “There’s a lot of conflict and still that kind of mad and sick balance of comedy and drama that [series creator] Shonda Rhimes is such an expert at delivering.”

A Kate Walsh Pic

Walsh said her pairing with new love interest David Sutcliffe, seen briefly in the first season as a SWAT officer, is “so fun.”

“Addison around Officer Nelson, the SWAT guy, is different than what comes out around Pete Wilder (Tim Daly) or [Grey's Anatomy stars] Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey) or Mark Sloan (Eric Dane) or anyone else that you’ve seen,” the Private Practice leading lady said.

“It’s really fun to see this total other side of her come out that we never saw. It hit me, this little epiphany of like, ‘Oh, we’ve never seen Addison into someone or someone that likes her back.’”

Walsh revealed that Addison is also stronger and more centered after finally adjusting to her life after relocating to Santa Monica.

“Initially in those first nine Private Practice episodes she’s still getting her footing, still isn’t quite sure and a little wobbly, and then you see that she’s got her groove back.”

While the rest of her cast and crew took an extended break after the strike, Kate Walsh was back in character as Addison on an episode of Grey’s Anatomy when she made a return trip to the show last spring.

“It was a little disorienting, but it was also fun,” she said of the homecoming, which she called a case of “art imitating life.”

And to whether or not one of Addison’s former colleagues at Seattle Grace will ever visit her in sunny Santa Monica, Walsh says:

“Why not? That would be a fun idea.”

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Private Practice Quotes

[asked if a husband with sexual problems still likes sex] "He's a guy and he's not dead. I'm guessing yes."


"Never talk about your penis when you hug another man."


Private Practice Music

  Song Artist
Song Lost The Mary Onettes
Down In The Valley The Broken West iTunes
Song Message From Yuz The Switches