Alex Murrel of Laguna Beach Caught Up in Drug Bust

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Remember Alex Murrel, the brunette from Season 2 of Laguna Beach?

No? You mean you can't actually recall the people from that show besides Jason Wahler, Kristin Cavallari and Lauren Conrad? Come on, people!

Well, here's a picture of Alex Murrel below. Ring any bells?

Still no? Well, forget about it. She's in the news this morning because her boyfriend Renzo Gamboa, a Peruvian illegal immigrant, was busted this week for selling cocaine out of her rented house. Classy guy, sounds like.

Alex Murrel Pic

“The immigration people came down and asked us for assistance,” said an official with the Laguna Beach police department.

“They found him at the girlfriend’s house and we assisted them, but we had a new charge to add on because of the cocaine in the house which was his.”

Alex Murrel was questioned by the police and released, and is not expected to be charged with any crimes in the case. Phew, people.

If this doesn’t help her "music career" make it - her debut album is totally coming out this year! - we don't know what could. Then again, that DUI arrest didn't exactly boost Jason Wahler or Jessica Smith's career profiles.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Reality TV Quotes

Very disappointed. Personally, I really don’t want to come back. I’d rather face the killer than backstabbers. At least I know what the motives are behind the killer.


[To Andy] If I make it back here, your ass is grass! And I’ve made sure of that.
