Katey Sagal Speaks on Sons of Anarchy Rape, Singing Scenes

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Katey Sagal has come a long way since Married... with Children.

The actress has become a dramatic stalwart, appearing in various episodes of Lost (as Locke's troubled ex, Helen) and as the matriarch of SAMCRO on Sons of Anarchy.

While the star doesn't reveal any major spoilers in a new interview, she does open up about her character's loyalty, singing voice, and of course, this season's traumatic rape scene.

Sons of Anarchy Picture

A few excerpts from the interview:

On allegiances to Jax and Clay: Her allegiance is to everybody.  I mean, what she’s desperately fighting for, in my opinion, is to protect the whole system.  This is her life, the whole thing... I would imagine if she really had to choose... I would say her son.

On personal repercussions from the rape scene: It hung around for most of the season with Gemma, but the really super dark, emotional visits I had to take, I would say, it was a good month.  Not that I was walking around with it every moment of the day. 

On singing for the show: I’ve sang two songs in the soundtrack of the show.  The first season, I sang Son of a Preacher Man.  And in this season, I’m the one singing Ruby Tuesday over the second episode. Hopefully I’ll get to sing one for the third season, too.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Sons of Anarchy Quotes

Jax: Some days you're the Beamer, some days you're the goddamn deer.
Chibs: Some yuppie creamed it out by the streams.
Jax: He run into it or hit a tree while it was giving him head?
Half-Sack: How the hell you want me to get it out of there? (Jax gets a chainsaw) Come on. Jesus, man.
Jax: Just pretend its carve your on steak night at the sizzler.
Half-Sack: I don't eat meat, man.
Jax: Figure it out, grunt.

A true outlaw finds the balance between the passion in his heart and the reason in his mind. The outcome is the balance of might and right.

Jax Teller [voiceover, reading his fathers memoirs]