Background on Bishop: Peter-Centric Episode of Fringe Ahead

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On February 4, Fringe goes on hiatus, as Fox feature the new show Past Life in a prime time slot for a few weeks.

But producer Akiva Goldsman is giving fans a reason to tune in when the mysterious series returns:

On April 1, Fringe will air an episode simply titled "Peter." As you can guess, it will open "a window into the mysteries of Peter that have been promised since the first season," Goldsman told Michael Ausiello this week. He added:

“It’s an episode that’s fundamentally about his relationship to Walter and the truth of where they are right now, which is pretty revelatory to the characters and hopefully the audience... questions about Peter’s identity and mortality go a long way towards being answered.”

From The Bishop Revival

As for developments in Peter/Olivia relationship? The producer has something to say about that, as well:

“The romantic elements of their relationship will come forward pretty soon. Like any courtship, it wanes, and then it comes back again. So that’s going to make another move forward [on February 4], and then we’ll keep addressing it throughout the season.”

Fringe airs "The Bishop Revival" tonight. We'll review it in detail soon after it concludes.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Fringe Quotes

Walter: It's a shame I don't have a lab. I'd like to examine him.
Peter: You do have a lab, Walter. Your lab at Harvard.
Walter: Yes. I do, don't I?

Just your average multi-national corporation specializing in secret bio research and defense contracting. Massive Dynamic. Seems like such an innocent name for a corporation, don't you think?


Fringe Music

  Song Artist
Song Poor Little Fool Ricky Nelson iTunes
Dear Mr. Fantasy Traffic iTunes
Blue Bayou Roy Orbison iTunes