Eureka Review: Never Say Never

Eureka Review: Never Say Never

Can Jack figure out why things are going wrong during a disaster drill on Eureka? Find out in our review of "Worst Case Scenario."
Posted in: Eureka
House Finale Review: Enjoy Yourself

House Finale Review: Enjoy Yourself

In the House series finale, House finds himself having to choose between life and death. In the end, his choice impacts everyone around him including a number of returning cast members!
Posted in: Reviews

Revenge Round Table: "Grief"

A week prior to the Revenge season finale, our Round Table team is here to dissect the episode "Grief." Jump in and join us.
Posted in: Revenge
Mad Men Review: Merry Krishna

Mad Men Review: Merry Krishna

It was Christmas on this week's Mad Men, but there wasn't a lot of celebrating. Did you enjoy the Don/Joan dynamic as much as we did?
Posted in: Mad Men