Hawaii Five-0 to Let Viewers Choose Episode Ending

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It may not be Star Trek, but Hawaii Five-0 is about to boldly go where no television show has gone before.

Executive Producer Peter Lenkov has revealed in a statement that the CBS drama will return on January 14 with an extra special episode, as viewers will actually be able to choose the hour's ending in real time.

McGarrett & Danny Investigate

"I've always felt the most fun aspect of watching a mystery is trying to figure out whodunit," said Peter Lenkov. "Now the Hawaii Five-0 viewers will actually get the chance to tell us who they think committed the crime and we will listen. I love that our dedicated and attentive fans will actually play a part in resolving our story."

The episode will center on the murder of a professor, with the team chasing down three suspects; after the motives of each are made known, viewers will be able to visit CBS.com or tweet who they believe the killer to be.

The votes will the be tallied and the winner broadcast (separately for East/Central and Pacific viewings, with all three conclusions available on CBS.com after the show airs in each time zone).

What do you think of this unique idea for Hawaii Five-0 Season 3?

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Hawaii Five-0 Quotes

I just wanted to tell you I'm so sorry, so sorry.

Danny [to Marie]

Dealer: Game's closed unless you have an invitation.
Grover [holding up his badge]: Here's my invitation. It's even engraved.