Jim's Notebook: Once Upon a Time Love For Regina, Masters Of Sex & More!

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You may have relaxed over your holiday weekend, but TV didn’t take much of a break. Which means I didn’t either!

The good news is that I know more about Regina’s love life on Once Upon a Time, the meaning behind a big Masters Of Sex scene in last night’s episode and Mozzie stepping behind the camera on this week’s White Collar. 

Before we dive in, if you’re already having trouble buying for your favorite TV Fanatic, be sure to check out the TV Fanatic Holiday Gift Guide for great ideas!

Once Upon A Time: If you saw my interview with show creators Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis, you may have asked ‘What about Regina?’ Of course I asked about one of the most popular characters on the show! Especially since Lana Parrilla teased me recently that love was coming soon for the Evil Queen.

Horowitz said in terms of a typical love story he’d prefer “a character journey for Regina about what she as a person is capable of in terms of opening herself up to another person.” Kitsis added, “how does someone break that wall down? Just like in season 1 we watched Henry break Emma's wall down. She was very defensive, she didn’t want anyone in because she didn't want to be hurt and you saw Henry poke that wall and bring it down. For us, we'll see if someone can do that to Regina, but we have hinted at, perhaps, who that candidate will be.”

And once we wrap up the Neverland chapter of the current season, how are Emma’s powers coming into play?

I think that having magic inside of her is something that frightens Emma because although she's a believer, as we've seen before, she took her first leap of faith in Neverland this year. I think that she's slowly going to realize that she needs to develop and oddly, I think what Regina is saying to her, ‘Magic is an art, it is a discipline and you have all of this wasted potential’ and it pisses Regina off. I think Emma is slowly coming to realize it's something that's inside her and instead of fearing it, she needs to embrace it.”

Wait. So if Emma embraces her magic, will she and Regina finally be BFFs?

“I think that their relationship has definitely grown in the past two and one half seasons,” said Horowitz. “I think we're leading to a really great moment between the two of them where you see that their relationship has changed and perhaps there is mutual respect for each other. I think the biggest growth about the both of them is not whether or not they like each other. They both realize the other really loves Henry and when somebody really loves your son, you can't fully hate them.”

Mary Margaret & Regina

Masters Of Sex: The Masters (Michael Sheen) and Johnson (Lizzy Caplan) relationship may be at the core of the Showtime hit series but I’m guessing I’m not the only one loving the Scully storyline with closested Barton (Beau Bridges) and his wife, Margaret (Allison Janney), who, in last night’s episode, met back up with her former lover, Austin (Teddy Sears). We didn’t get a predictable love scene in the pool, though, but something much more intense.

When I recently talked to series creator Michelle Ashford, I had to ask her about that scene and the amazing dialogue. “It’s a pretty powerful metaphor for what is actually happening societally in terms of this notion of sex and gender roles and everything,” Ashford told me. “I mean, everything is about to be upended. The sixties are not that far away and, my God, talk about holy hell raining down in terms of nothing being what it was before.”

Of the dialogue where Margaret talks of how, like space objects, we’re not floating but falling, Ashford said, “I think that moment in the pool is very much about all these characters having, like Pandora’s Box has been opened, but no one knows now where it’s going so they’re suspended, they’re literally suspended in a spot where the future is unknowable but the past you cannot go back to.

"I do love that pool scene and I think it’s very much about ‘Oh my god. Where are we going?’ And when she says ‘We’re falling’…to where is the question. That’s what happens in any kind of period in history where everything is about to change and that’s where these characters are.” I know I definitely cannot wait to see what happens next! (More on the series from my interview with Teddy Sears here on TVFanatic)

White Collar: Tim DeKay has done it a few times so why shouldn’t Willie Garson? I’m talking about directing, as Garson does for the first time with White Collar Season Five Episode 7, which airs this Thursday. The typically self-deprecating Garson told me recently, “It was really great. I can’t say that I’m going to have a new career as a director, but I knew that I was going to make a great episode of White Collar. So, I did.”

The episode concerns Neal (Matt Bomer) delving deeper into the Cotex mystery while Peter takes on a classified espionage case with a fellow FBI agent, who just happens to be his ex-girlfriend (played by Kim Dickens).

How did Garson do directing his buddies and cast mates? “It was painless,” he said. “I didn’t have to direct!” Garson quoted famed director Mike Nichols who he said told him, ‘If you invite the right people to the party, all you have to do is pour the drinks.’” Garson said he took that advice to heart with this task. “I didn’t have to direct the actors that much. I had my shot list and my blocking. It was great. I was blessed with Kim Dickens, who I love. She was my first choice for the role, she was available, it was great.”

Jim Halterman is the West Coast Editor of TV Fanatic and the owner of JimHalterman.com. Follow him on Twitter.

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