Revenge Wedding Photo Preview: They Do (Get Shot)!

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Sunday on Revenge Season 3 Episode 10, wedding vows are exchanged, secrets are revealed and Emily’s fate is sealed as the show bids farewell to 2013.

What Emily's fate is remains the billion-dollar question.

The Picture Perfect Couple

We know from the Season 3 premiere that Emily gets shot, but this appears to be her plan - staging her own death and sending Victoria to prison for it.

Of course ... if it were that easy, this would be the series finale. It's not, and the Revenge Season 3 Episode 10 synopsis hints that Emily may fail.

According to ABC, “Emily’s master plan is poised to go off without a hitch until enemies unite, bringing new complications and leading to dire consequences.”

Who do you think shoots Emily Thorne on Sunday night? Will Victoria actually go down? And what will the fallout be from the wedding of the century?

We'll have to wait and see. But before all hell breaks loose, the wedding sure looks nice! Click to enlarge tons of photos from "Exodus" and comment below:

Not Quite True Love
The Groom's Family
The Next Grayson
The Beautiful Cake
A Working Wedding
The Wedding Cake
Posing for the Press
The Blushing Bride
Parents of The Groom
Nolan Escorts Emily
Not True Love
Daniel Looking Unhappy
Nolan Knows
Dancing With Conrad
Their First Official Dance
Emily's Wedding Plan
Charlotte Looks On
Their First Kiss
What Does Nolan Think?
A Strange Dance
Charlotte At the Reception
Charlotte Plays the Maid of Honor
Is Emily Happy?
The Happily Married Graysons
His Son's Wedding
Victoria Watches the Wedding
Nolan Looks Handsome
Emily's Beautiful Gown
Nolan Escorts the Bride
Her Son's Wedding
Blocking the Path
Nolan Applauds
Exchanging of Rings
Emily and Daniel At the Altar
Emily Poses For Portraits
Emily's Wedding Day

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Revenge Season 3 Episode 10 Quotes

Daniel, I've looked forward to this day since I was a little girl. Thank you for letting me into your life, into your family. Through you, I've become the woman that I always wanted to be, the woman that I needed to be. From the moment I met you, I knew that this moment was in our destiny. We share a bond that is unbreakable. Until death parts us.


Let's take down the Graysons once and for all.
