Modern Family Review: Coming Clean

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Everybody was having trouble admitting the truth on Modern Family Season 5 Episode 19.

Either they were stubborn, trying to be sensitive or maybe they were even ashamed. But by the end, they had all come clean!

Sidetracked At the Salon

We all knew there would be some tension and drama surrounding the planning of Cam and Mitchell's family. They only got three vetoes each? How is that possible!

When Cam's dad sent a soap carved wedding cake topper, Mitchell hated it but couldn't say a word. Mitchell despised how he was portrayed and tried to ruin it any way he could. I was laughing when he and Jay had their covert conversation because Jay and Mitchell never team up on anything.

In the end, Cam gave Mitchell one more veto in return for one thing...get rid of the wedding singer. Uh oh.

When Jay wasn't helping Mitchell toss the cake topper, he was busy not thanking Claire for her hard work at the office. It was sad because Claire was clearly so proud about her big week! Personally, I just think Jay is stubborn, but Claire realized it was more about him not wanting to give up his reigns at the company.

Still, he couldn't thank her for making the tomato sauce?

In another part of town, Phil was helping Gloria sell her old apartment but she seemed to find something wrong with every potential buyer. On a break between candidates, they returned to Gloria's old salon where Phil fit in better than you would think.

Actually, it's Phil, he totally would fit into a random, female driven scenario.

Just a warning, I haven't shampooed professionally since college and that was only part-time to pay for my cheer gear.


Phil used his magic shampooing hands to get the truth out of everyone. Well, everyone except for Haley. You know I always say that Haley is the secret genius of the Dunphy family! Haley turned the tables and got Phil to spill his guts.

Lastly, Luke was in denial that Manny might be better with the girls than he is. Luke's desperation as a freshman boy to attend a sophomore girl's party reminded me so much of the young guys in Dazed and Confused.

C'mon we gotta go! That party's full of sophomores. Those women have lived.


So who do you think is really the dorky sidekick? Manny or Luke? 

A Hard Jay's Night Review

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Modern Family Season 5 Episode 19 Quotes

Cam: Hey we got a package from my dad!
Mitchell: No air holes in the box, that's a good sign.
Cam: Lily loved having that chicken.
Mitchell: One more time than she realized.

Just a warning, I haven't shampooed professionally since college and that was only part-time to pay for my cheer gear.
