ABC Announces Return of TGIT!

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Has there been something missing on your Thursday nights ever since Scandal missed out on a fall premiere and TGIT was no more?

Yes, we know. It's been a terrible few months. 

Notorious just can't keep up with the twists we've come to expect from our Shonda Rhimes fueled Thursdays. 

A Dire Situation - Scandal

We can now confirm that Grey's Anatomy, Scandal and How to Get Away with Murder will kick off on January 19, 2017. 

That's a few weeks earlier than recent years, but we'll happily accept these three hit dramas coming back sooner. 

Channing Dungey made it clear quite a few months ago that ABC was reconsidering the long mid-season breaks for their shows. 

Last year, all three shows took quite a big dip in the ratings upon their returns, so hopefully it will result in better ratings this time round. 

How to Get Away with Murder will return for six weeks. Like every other season, the show is spanning 15 episodes. 

The six episodes will feature the aftermath of who was under the sheet, but you can bet your bottom dollar that there will be plenty more twists in the tale. 

Annalise Keating always has some sort of trick up her sleeve to get herself and her band of thugs out of the most impossible situations. 

Grey's Anatomy is on Season 13 and is showing no signs of slowing down. 

The ratings are up for the veteran medical drama vs. Fall 2016. 

Basically, the show will be on the air for as long as the talent wants to do it. 

Scandal was benched for the fall due to Kerry Washington's pregnancy, but it will return for Season 6 with 16 episodes. 

The Catch

Meanwhile, The Catch is expected to return after How to get Away with Murder concludes. 

Have a look at the official preview for the new season below!

Are you glad TGI is returning earlier than usual?

Hit the comments below!

Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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How to Get Away with Murder Quotes

You've never been raped, have you? Because I have been. By him, before him, as a child. And the memory of that is worse than what happens to you. So yes, I helped put them to sleep. But only so they wouldn't have the memories.

Jackie [to Annalise]

If it doesn't fit, you must acquit.
