Christopher Pike is the captain of the USS Enterprise. He is known for his "Boy Scout" approach to missions and valuing his crew's lives over his own.

While temporarily in command of the USS Discovery in 2257, he visits Boreth where he retrieves a time crystal at the cost of learning (and experiencing) a horrifying future where he is severely injured and permanently disabled.

Despite his knowledge of an immutable future, Pike resumes command of the Enterprise in 2259.

While at Outpost 4, he is tempted to change events in order to circumvent his future. A visit from a future version of himself and a sidetrip to 2266 shows him that avoiding his own future may doom others to much worse.


Christopher Pike has also appeared on Star Trek: Discovery.

Christopher Pike Quotes

Ortegas: It’s the shiniest gas station I’ve ever seen.
Pike: Well, it’s not just a gas station, Lieutenant. It’s right at the edge of the frontier. It unlocks half the quadrant. It’ll be the jumping off point for the next great age of exploration.
Una: Oh, good. I was afraid I’d missed the speech.
Pike: Well, I started earlier, but Uhura fell asleep.

Pike: Are we really talking the end of their engagement just because Spock is temporarily not Vulcan?
Amanda: Vulcan engagements are complex. If the agreement’s broken, the union won’t be recognized under Vulcan law. T’Pring’s family would reject her if she chose to remain with Spock. It’s considered a great shame and no choice at all for a true Vulcan.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Quotes

Pike: Send someone else. You don't want me in command of that ship.
April: You're getting us confused. You don't want you in command.

No matter how many stars there are in the sky. No matter how many galaxies swirl beyond our own. No matter the mathematical probabilities or the number of times we say, 'We are not alone in the universe,' our first visit from the stars is always the province of children's stories and science fiction. First contact with aliens always lives squarely in the impossible. First contact is just a dream until one day, it isn't.
