Mae 'Maeby" Bluth Fünke is the daughter of Lindsay and Tobias.  Though throughout the series they made references that Maeby was actually a test-tube baby.  Who really knows with a never-nude for a father.

Maeby has never really been one for school, is often a troublemaker, and eventuallly lands a job at a studio, despite the fact she was only 15.  Marry me.

Maeby shows mutual attraction towards her cousin, George Michael, but doesn't act on it for obvious reasons.  Meanwhile, she dates Steve Holt, who also turns out to be her cousin when Gob is revealed to be Holt's father.  Some girls have all the luck.

When she finds out her mother was adopted, it turns out she wasn't related to either of the cousins she made out one.  Maeby: 1, Universe: 0.

Maeby Bluth Fünke Quotes

Michael: So ... this is the magic trick, huh?
Gob: "Illusion," Michael. A "trick" is something a whore does for money. (Michael points out that a bunch of kids are staring at Gob with their mouths open) ... Or candy!

Maeby: Um, yeah, I bought a frozen banana, and when I bit into it, I found this.
George Michael: It looks like a foot.
Maeby: It tasted like a foot. Which I didn't really mind, but I'm pretty sure I said "no nuts".

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Arrested Development Quotes

I don't want no part of yo' tired ass country club, ya freak bitch!

Franklin (Buster)

George Michael: Is that a screenplay? Warden Gentles' screenplay?
Maeby: That's what you're going to tell me.