The Team Criminal Minds

The Criminal Minds BAU team, featuring some of the leads.

The Unsub in Lucky - Criminal Minds

A picture of the cannibalistic unsub in Lucky, Criminal Minds

The Kidnapped Girls - Criminal Minds

A picture of the three girls that got kidnapped by the unsub and forced to choose who dies.

To Hell and Back Investigating - Criminal Minds

The team Investigating at the farm in To Hell and Back Criminal Minds.

The Victims of the House - Criminal Minds

The children kidnapped by the husband and wife, featuring Evan Peters

Victim gagged - Criminal Minds

One of The Fox's victims, Mr. Crawford, tied and gagged before being killed.

Shock Collar - Criminal Minds Season 8 Episode 8

One of the victims getting a shock collar put on them, so the unsubs could

Sick Day - Criminal Minds Season 12 Episode 2

The Killer, pours gasoline near the child's head to burn him.

Into the Woods with BAU - Criminal Minds Season 6 Episode 9

The BAU in the woods asking a little girl if she remembers anything

Haley Criminal Minds 100

Haley on the phone during 100, the 100th episode of Criminal Minds

Hotch fighting the Reaper - Criminal Minds

Hotch fist fighting the reaper after Hotch finds Haley dead on the floor.

Marrionette Male - Criminal Minds Season 8 Episode 10

Male MArionette puppet, one of the victims, wearing a mask in the play