Chatting at a bar - Mayor of Kingstown S03E01 - Soldier's Heart

Tatiana stands at a bar talking with a new Russian bad guy who looks at her with a level of distrust that leaves the viewer worried about what's to happen.

Mike walks to his car - Mayor of Kingstown S03E01 - Soldier's Heart

Mike McClusky walks to his black four-door car in his business suit after he finishes his mayoral duties meeting with his brothers at the diner.

Mike drinks coffee with family - Mayor of Kingstown S03E01 - Soldier's Heart

Mike holds a meeting with him, his three cop brothers, and his brother's cop partner in a diner as they discuss the explosion during the funeral.

Tatiana and baby - Mayor of Kingstown S03E01 - Soldier's Heart

A young mother, Tatiana, clutches her baby to her chest as she nervously talks with the new Russian boss, bad guy Constantine, before he shoots her.

Brothers meeting up - Mayor of Kingstown S03E01 - Soldier's Heart

All four brothers and a police partner meet up at the diner to discuss the bomb going off at the funeral, and Mike tries to steer them where to attack.

Bunny makes a call - Mayor of Kingstown S03E01 - Soldier's Heart

Bunny acts shifty and distrustful as he places a secret call on his cell phone after he and Mike talked about everything going on at the prison.

Bunny and Mike talk - Mayor of Kingstown S03E01 - Soldier's Heart

Mike McClusky and his friend, gang banger Bunny sit on a couch at a hideout and talk about what's been going on and Mike's mother's recent murder.

All aboard a bus - Mayor of Kingstown S03E01 - Soldier's Heart

A prison guard waits as inmates in chains load up to get taken to the prison to serve out their sentences or to become bosses of the prison.

A private conversation - Mayor of Kingstown S03E01 - Soldier's Heart

Mike and Iris have a private conversation they don't want anyone else to hear as they watch a situation that is happening in front of them.

Mayor of Kingstown Season 3 Poster

This is the poster for Mayor of Kingstown Season 3.

Dianne Wiest on Mayor of Kingstown

This is a still of Mayor of Kingstown Season 2 Episode 10.

Unraveling - Mayor of Kingstown

Mike tries to keep his promises to the leaders inside on Mayor of Kingstown Season 2 Episode 4, but things begin to unravel alarmingly fast.

Mayor of Kingstown Quotes

The consequence of a riot is dismantling the illusion that prison is controlled by the guards. The consequence of putting down the riot is dismantling the leadership structure within the inmates. All that remains is chaos until a new leadership structure is created, and when there are no leaders inside, there are no leaders outside. All gangs are from prison because that's where all gangsters end up. And so is our new reality, and that reality is chaos.


My father used to say, I can't wait to get old, for my mind to soften, and my memories to rot away. The hardest thing to do is forget, forget the scars that life gives you, forget the scars you gave others. The challenge, then, is hiding a few memories worth keeping from your dying mind. He told me to keep a journal and only write down the good things. Then, when the bad things fade away, you can read about the happy life you had. But minds don't forget so easy, and the horror that we witness and endure takes root. Only madness and dementia can remove it.
