An Alliance? - Scandal Season 7 Episode 11

Olivia is trying to find out what Cyrus knows about Mellie.

Join My Team! - Scandal Season 7 Episode 11

Cyrus wants Olivia to join the war with him, but is it too late?

Olivia Meets Cyrus - Scandal Season 7 Episode 11

Olivia meets Cyrus to enact a plan of revenge, but who wins?

Olivia Is Fired! - Scandal

Olivia Pope is out of the White House, but for how long?

Hello, It's Me - Scandal Season 7 Episode 10

Olivia arrives in Vermont blissfully unaware her fellow Gladiators are after her.

Don't Cross Me - Scandal Season 7 Episode 10

Olivia is in Vermont, but who said she was going to have fun?

Not Impressed - Scandal Season 7 Episode 10

Mellie is tired of being Olivia's mouthpiece and fires her.

You're Fired, Olivia Pope! - Scandal Season 7 Episode 10

Mellie is done with Olivia and fires her on the spot.

Heading To Vermont - Scandal

Olivia heads to Vermont with Fitz on Scandal. "The People v. Olivia Pope" is the tenth episode of the show's seventh season.

What's Next? - Scandal Season 7 Episode 9

Quinn is heavily pregnant, so we're going to vore Rowan does not kill her.

Save Me! - Scandal Season 7 Episode 9

Quinn is locked up in the basement, but is it all part of a plan to turn the tables on Olivia?

What's Rowan Doing? - Scandal Season 7 Episode 9

Olivia can likely hear Quinn in a sorry state and is worried about what's coming.

Scandal Season 7 Quotes

Quinn: Let’s order from that vegan place on 13th.
Abby: Again? That place doesn’t serve food.

Jake: This gets easier.
Olivia: Killing a patriot?
Jake: Being command.