Sex and the Country Picture

Carrie does not do so well when she's taken out of the city and goes to visit Aidan's country home.

Carrie and Aidan Picture

When Carrie's laptop crashes, she pushes away Aidan as he tries to help her in "My Motherboard, My Self."

Time and Punishment Picture

Whoops. Big calls Carrie while she's having sex with Aidan.

Talk is Cheap Picture

The Sex and the City girls share a laugh during "Baby, Talk is Cheap."

Ghost Town Picture

Carrie goes to the grand opening of Scout, Aiden and Steve's bar in "Ghost Town."

Samantha the Lesbian

Samantha decides to give the whole lesbian thing a try with Maria, a painter.

A Big Date

Carrie ends up on a psuedo-date with Big, but ends up meeting another guy that night.

The Real Me Picture

When Carrie joins a fashion show on a celebrity guest, she trips on the runway in "The Real Me."

Samantha and Carrie Picture

Samantha comforts Carrie when no one shows up for her birthday party on Sex and the City.

What Goes Around Comes Around Pic

Carrie tries to fix her karma after getting mugged in "What Goes Around Comes Around."

Frenemies Pic

Carrie teaches a course unsuccessfully at The Learn Annex during "Frenemies."

Hot Child in the City Pic

Carrie ends up dating a hot comic book store owner that still lives with his parents during "Hot Child in the City."

Sex and the City Quotes

It's like the riddle of the Sphinx. Why are there so many great unmarried women, and no great unmarried men?


(After Carrie gets off Mr. Big's car)
Carrie: Wait! Have you ever been in love?
Mr. Big: Abso-fucking-lutely.