Rachel Helping MIke

Rachel gives Mike a tender kiss on the head in "Know When to Fold 'Em."

Struggling with a Decision

Mike Ross is struggling with a decision in "Know When to Fold 'Em."

Katrina and Rachel

Katrina Bennett and Rachel Zane in "Know When to Fold 'Em."

Harvey and Scottie Get Cute

Harvey and Scottie get cute on the upcoming episode of Suits titled "Know When to Fold 'Em."

Confrontation on Suits

This is a photo from "Yesterday's Gone." It's a key episode of Suits Season 3.

May I Please Collect?

Rachel will be trying to collect on a debt in "Heartburn" and she seems like she's practicing asking nicely in this photo.

Hello Harvey My Old Rival

Harvey and Mike stumble upon Harvey's old rival from Law School, Eliot Stemple (Patrick Fischler), while on their power walk in "Moot Point."

Lawyers on the Go

Harvey and Mike are on the go in this photo from "Moot Point." Handsome devils, aren't they?

A Tense Lunch

Scottie looks tense as she sits opposite Louis. Is this the beginning of the battle that erupts between them in "Moot Point"?

An Unlikely Pair

Scottie and Louis are lunching together in this photo from "Moot Point."

Talking it Out

Mike talks it out with Rachel in this photo from the upcoming episode of Suits titled "Moot Point."

Harvey's Deep Thoughts

Harvey's deep in thought in this photo from "Moot Point."

Suits Season 3 Quotes

Unless you're looking to make me breakfast tomorrow, I think we're done.


Mike: So I'm a partner now?
Harvey: Easy Marsha Clark....you helped make this merger happen, you deserve to be here.