Lincoln Looking Serious - The 100 Season 3 Episode 1

Is this Lincoln's happy face? Probably not, right? Oh, well. Perhaps his gloomy demeanor has something to do with that serious discussion he and Octavia were having in the last picture. Also, it looks like Lincoln is still among the Sky People in this photo.

Linctavia! - The 100 Season 3 Episode 1

Finally! Lincoln and Octavia didn't have a chance to spend a whole lot of time together last season, what with the full-scale war breaking out between the Mountain Men and the Grounders/Sky People. It looks like they share a moment in the season premiere -- unfortunately, Octavia's upset face isn't giving off the vibe that this is a happy moment.

Bedraggled Murphy - The 100 Season 3 Episode 1

Last we saw Murphy, he was chilling in a fancy house, snacking and drinking -- until he came across a chilling video of a distraught man who kills himself. Who else thinks that video may have something to do with Murphy looking a bit worse for wear?

Clarke's New Look - The 100 Season 3 Episode 1

Clarke's sporting a brand new look, with dramatic red hair and Grounder gear. She's been away from her people and is being hunted, but what exactly led her to undergo this HUGE makeover?

The 100 Season 3 Episode 1 Quotes

Abby: He's come a long way.
Kane: It's a work in progress.

Eighty-six days. On my last box of food, so... Really never thought I'd miss the Ark this much but, anyway. Jaha, if you're seeing this that would indeed mean you are not dead, so SCREW YOU!
