Same Discussion, Different Day - The Flash Season 2 Episode 11

It looks like Patty and Barry will be having many discussions over the course of different days, judging by their different outfits. They never get closer than a car length apart, however. Hmmm.

Hello Patty - The Flash Season 2 Episode 11

Patty hasn't left town just yet. That means Reverse Flash still has a chance to get in on the fun and make her a target, as well. Oh no!

Barry and Iris - The Flash Season 2 Episode 11

It's difficult to guess what's going on when all the photos are snapped within a few seconds. That look on Iris' face is really concerning!

Another Worried Face - The Flash Season 2 Episode 11

Iris will be sharing a moment with Francine this week that brings her closer to Wally as a result. But why so worried here? Because of Reverse Flash?

Grand Dad - The Flash Season 2 Episode 11

This is a very good dad, Joe West. What is he concerned about now? Is it something big? Maybe it's because Iris shares a moment with Francine.

Family Talk - The Flash Season 2 Episode 11

There is some sort of family talk, and it appears to be worrisome, as everyone has dire looks on their faces.

Deep in Thought - The Flash

Barry is deep in thought as Cisco worries about the return of Eobard Thawne.

The Flash Season 2 Episode 11 Quotes

Flash: You died!
Reverse Flash: Good to know. And guess what Flash? I know what time period you're from. And that means that very soon, you will die.

Harry: What did you see?
Cisco: Reverse Flash. He's here.