I heard my mom say you haven't visited yet. Look, I'm just so tired of being mad. You should visit him.


Gary: When I first met you, you were dying, and I think maybe I was dying too. I just didn't know it. But I was broken. And you were right. Instead of dealing with that, I tried to save you the way I couldn't save Jon. And I know now that I put way too much pressure on our relationship, and I screwed it up. And I just didn't want today to go by without saying it.
Maggie: Thank you. But it's not all on you, Gary. Cancer wasn't the only problem I brought to our relationship. I was broken too.

For so long, I wondered whether or not you knew, but it doesn't matter. I knew. I knew what we did. And I'm so sorry, Jon. I'm so sorry. I love you man. 


Theo: I'd like to make a toast. The Egyptians believed that you die twice. Once when you take your final breath, and then again the last time someone says your name. They believe your spirit lives on as long as people kept remembering you. So as long as we all keep remembering uncle Jon, he'll never really be gone. Was that okay?
Delilah: That is more than okay, Theo.

So much has happened since he passed. We were lost. And now it feels like we're all finally in a better place. All of us. Not because he died but because he convinced us to live.


Delilah: It's just with the shock of his death. The guilt over the affair. Almost losing our house. The one thing I never got to do was grieve my husband. I know that doesn't make any sense.
Maggie: Trust me that makes sense.
Delilah: I would give anything to go back and have a second chance with him.

To be honest, I never thought I would feel like part of the group again after Jon was gone. He was the one who always made me feel like I belonged. Not anymore. You really are like family to me, so thank you.


Delilah: Jon would have wanted you to have this. You gave me my house. The least I can do is give you an office.
Eddie: With your name on the door.

You never stopped trying to teach me. You never give up. And I realize now no matter how bad you feel. No matter how hopeless it seems. It's never too late to start over. I am not supposed to tell you this, but Maggie is going to Oxford. She leaves in a week.


Katherine: I was thinking. What if we renew our vows? Eddie Saville, will you marry me again? 
Eddie: You have no idea how badly I want to do that again. 

Gary: There you are. I wasn't sure if you'd be up for this.
Darcy: I'll be honest, I was surprised you reached out, but I'm glad you did.
Gary: So am I.
Darcy: What happened to Becky?
Gary: I realized she was just another rebound.
Darcy: So what does that make me?
Gary: A fresh start.

Hey Lindsay, it's me. Look, I need to talk. I had a dream about Alex, and I need to know what happened the day she died.
