Movies are here. They just need you to come out, sign the papers to get started. Ready for this?

Eddie [to Delilah]

After all the hurt your mom and I caused, everyone is still here for pizza night, and yeah, it gets messy sometimes, but they love you, and they're not going to let you go no matter what happens with you and Tyrell. In fact, if anyone has anything to worry about, it's him. That kid steps out of line; it's going to take the entire band of dads to hold back the band of moms from bringing him a world of hurt.


I thought you would never be happy again. But you have made my daughter the happiest I've ever seen. That is why I want to help pay for wedding.

Mrs. Kim

Tyrell: This has been the best two weeks.
Sophie: It really has.
Tyrell: But what exactly is this?
Sophie: I don't know. We're hanging out. Why do we have to put a label on it?

Delilah: I know you love Boston. It's just that sometimes I feel like I don't have a community here outside of you. Jon: Okay. What if you did?
Delilah: What do you mean?
Jon: These guys I'm going in on the tickets with.
Delilah: The ones you met on the elevator?

Katherine: I found this in your backpack. Delilah's invitation. What's going on?
Theo: I don't want her at the wedding. She blew everything up and then left and took Charlie with her and she hurt you so much. I saw her name and got really mad and just took it out of the pile.
Katherine: Hey, I get that anger. I felt it too. But if you just stuff it down then you'll always be carrying it with you.

If nobody ever tries to make a difference, then nobody ever will.


Nicole: Can I ask you something?
Eddie: Of course.
Nicole: Why didn't things work out between you and Delilah?
Eddie: Well, I think for us, the timing was never right.
Nicole: Well, for what it's worth, I can tell how much you care about her, so if your timing ever does work out, don't run away from that.
Eddie: Well, thanks to you, I really can't.
Nicole: I walked right into that.
Eddie: Walk? Well, now you're just being mean.

Sophie: So last night was fun.
Tyrell: It was fun, wasn't it?

Eddie: She just made a mistake.
Delilah: A terrible one.
Eddie: Yeah, and if anyone knows anything about that, it's us. All the hurt we caused, all the people we loved. How could I expect to get forgiveness if I couldn't give it to someone else?

Rome: What are you doing? If you keep that up, they won't let you in.
Walter: Oh, no. Does that mean I'll miss Mervin the Magnificent?

Eddie: How dare you come in here and tell me what's best for Charlie?
Delilah: Eddie, put yourself in my shoes. One minute I'm on an airplane, and the next minute my daughter is in surgery. Eddie: Your daughter; that's the problem, she's our daughter, D. The second Charlie was born you acted like you were the mom, and I was the babysitter.
Delilah: That's so unfair.
Eddie: Yes, it is unfair, because I'm her dad and if I need to make a medical decision based on the opinion of a qualified doctor and the fact that our daughter is in pain, that's exactly what I'm going to do.

A Million Little Things Season 5 Quotes

Danny: Gene, thank you for your service.
Gene: I didn't fight in the war.
Danny: That's not what I mean. I'm in high school, and I'm gay, and I'm out, and you absolutely fought for me, so thank you.

Gary: Hey, pop.
Javier: Yeah?
Gary: Thanks for being here with me. I know it's not easy to pretend that all of this is normal.
Javier: However you want to do this, that's how we're going to do it, okay, mijo? I got you.