I don’t know who he is but I know what he is, a giant ass.


Kate Beckett: I got here as soon as I could.
Rick Castle: Never soon enough.

Kate Beckett: LT is going to drive you home.
Rick Castle: And if I refuse?
Kate Beckett: Then he'll drive you home in handcuffs.
Rick Castle: Just for the record, extremely bitter.

On the bright side, at least I'm not crazy.

Rick Castle

I'll be with him no matter wherever this leads and I promise you I'm not going to let him go too far.

Kate Beckett

Kate Beckett: But Castle, why would you be abducted on our wedding day and end up in Thailand?
Rick Castle: Worst bachelor party ever?

I was in Thailand getting shot at with Chuck Norris?

Rick Castle

You do know I'm a doctor, not a puppeteer.


I don't want to let him down. He wants this so badly and I want to give it to him but I just, I don't know that I can.

Kate Beckett

I think we may have just dug our own graves.

Rick Castle

Kate Beckett: I mean, there's a reason why Capt. Gates doesn't get up on the stage and have fun.
Rick Castle: I just always assumed it was because she was genetically incapable of it.

Rick Castle: That thing in the shower. That is delightful.
Kate Beckett: That is not a routine. That's two naked people singing when there's no one around to see or hear it.

Castle Season 7 Quotes

Misgivings? Katherine, that was the farthest thing from his mind. He couldn't wait to be married to you.


Gary: You're going to break my finger.
Beckett: And after that there's nine more.