Derek: Are you sure you're ready?
Meredith: I'm leaning into the fear to get a happy ending.
Derek: I don't even know what that means...

Mark: [to George] You think that if you get to take your intern test again that makes you big man on campus? It doesn't change the fact you failed the first time.
Lexie: Dr. Sloan?
Mark: I'm sorry, Grey, was there something you wanted to say to anyone here?
Lexie: No there wasn't.
Mark: Coward!
Lexie: SHUT UP!

Patient: Why do men cheat? My husband slept with my friend, he lost his job and then he slept with my friend, telling me he loves me. Why?
Alex: Maybe he was low, he was down and he didn't want you to see him like that, in pain, weak, less than a man. He has his pride so he turned away. It's not right but it doesn't mean he doesn't care about you. I SWEAR it doesn't.

Meredith: So I keep having that dream, the Derek is dead dream.
Cristina: You know who does their residencies at number 12 hospitals? Losers! I am not a loser. Go get the charts!

Callie: I guess this makes us virgins, doesn't it.
Erica: I guess in a way it does!
Callie: Vir-gins. Hey, we can be scared together!
Erica: Kinda virgins. And we can be scared together.

Callie: I'm not an experimenter. I don't like to experiment.
Erica: Oh.
Callie: Then you showed up and we did it together and... the experiment was kind of a success!
Erica: Oh... oh!
Callie: Look, I've never done this before. I've never kissed a girl. I'm not sure I even like kissing girls. I don't, actually, like kissing girls. I like kissing one girl. You.
Erica: I don't have anything to compare it to. You're the only woman I've ever kissed.

[narrating] Once upon a time, happier ever after. The stories we tell are the stuff of dreams. Fairy tales don't come true. Reality is much stormier. Much murkier. Much scarier.


Richard: Am I to understand you stole these traumas from Mercy West.
Miranda: I don't know what'cha talkin' about.
Richard: Good job. 'Cause now it's personal.

Richard: With a pen!? You trach'd this guy with an ink pen?
Owen: So?
Cristina: Pen? Trach? Hot!

Izzie: See? I told you I would show you my dress.
Denny: You look better than a bride.

Cristina: I think you and Derek will make it. You will make it work.
Meredith: Are you just telling me what I wanna hear?
Cristina: I'm your person. I am on your side.

Did she tell you that I cried? Because THAT is a lie.


Grey's Anatomy Season 5 Episode 1 Quotes

[narrating] We all remember the bed time stories of our childhood. The shoe fit Cinderella, the frog was turned into a prince, sleeping beauty was awakened with a kiss. Once upon a time and then they lived happily ever after. Fairy tales. The stuff of dreams. the problem is, fairy tales don't come true. It's the other stories. The ones that start in dark and stormy nights and end in the unspeakable. The nightmares always seem to become the reality.


Meredith: What happened!?
Cristina: A bus in front of him hit a telephone pole. He tried to swerve and miss it, but ...
Meredith: How bad is it?
Richard: Meredith -
Cristina: Meredith, you're gonna have to be strong.

Grey's Anatomy Season 5 Episode 1 Music

  Song Artist
Song Youthless Beck
Song Wins Jade McNelis
Song Jungle Drum Grey's Anatomy Emiliana Torrini