Dr. Wyatt: Look, I'm just going to say this because your insurance only covers 20 sessions and I feel we should get right to the point. That was a load of crap. It was not a good day, your patient died alone unable to tell the love of his life how he felt.
Meredith: Yeah, but he did it for his boyfriend. I mean, I actually think it was kind of heroic.
Dr. Wyatt: It's a load of crap.
Meredith: Stop saying that!

[narrating] It was a good day. Maybe even a great day. I was a good doctor, even when it was hard, I was the me in my head. There was a moment when I thought I cant do this, I cant do this alone. I close my eyes and imagine myself doing it, and I did, I blocked out the fear, and I did it.


It is not difficult sir... it is simple. Burke is not here. He's gone and he's the better for it. He's winning the Harper Avery award and being celebrated all over the world. That is not difficult. He's out there and I'm here where everything is the same. I still live in his apartment, I walk the same halls of this hospital, I wear the same scrubs. It is not difficult. This is where I chose to be. But sir, when his hand was shaking, I performed the surgeries, I kept his secrets, I nursed his pride... you know it and I know it, he knows it. He knows it and yet nowhere in that newspaper article does my name appear. I am the unseen hand to his brilliance. And yet while everything is the same it is very, very different. Now I'm lucky if I get to hold a clamp. Hahn treats me like... I was his hand and now I'm a ghost. That is not difficult... it's unbearable. Everybody is proud of him... but I'm not... I do not wish him well.


Richard: Going through all the forms I noticed you didn't hand yours in.
Christina: No sir.
Richard: I need you to. The hospital is still liable even though Dr. Burke isn't here.
Christina: There my sexual relationship. Preston Burke. On paper. Satisfied?

Erica: I don't... make friends easily. I'm awkward and am bad at small talk and generally don't like people I don't know... but I made friends with you and now you have this thing and that thing is Sloan.
Callie: Are you mad that I'm sleeping with Mark Sloan?
Erica: I'm not mad you're sleeping with Sloan. I'm mad that you didn't tell me that you're sleeping with Sloan. I'm mad at you. Because instead of telling me and admitting that you're one of those girls who goes all pouffy when she gets a boyfriend, you disappear with your thing ... I don't make friends easily.

Erica: So are we on for tonight or what?
Callie: Um... I told you I had a thing.

Richard: Alright, Dr. Bailey, I get the joke.
Miranda: See this is a joke to you. I am a single woman. I've been a single woman for some time now, but the very idea that I could have a sexual encounter - a consensual sexual encounter - is a joke to you!
Richard: Dr. Bailey, I...
Miranda: So much so that you would single me out of this entire hospital as the one person who couldn't interest a person of the opposite sex... it's ... it's ... just...
Adele: It's harassment.
Richard: Adele!
Miranda: (slaps Richard's shoulder) Just shame on you sir!

Miranda: Just wanted to drop off the form myself... answer any questions you might have.
Richard: There are interns on this form.
Miranda: Mmm hmm. I require the energy of youth. Dr. Shepherd was a moment of weakness for both of us.
Richard: Dr. Sloan?
Miranda: Oh that was many moments. On call rooms. It was... very hot.

Derek: (to Meredith in surgery) Easy... slow down... look at me... look at me, don't look at the machine.
Meredith: [stares into his eyes]
Derek: Slowly... that's it.... that's it... virus is in.
[everyone applauds]

Erica: (re: Preston, to Cristina) Well I guess its no surprise, his arrogance is legendary... oh well, I thought we finally had some common ground... Good for you, refusing to trash him. Rising above. It's very impressive. I'm going to follow your example, Yang.
Cristina: [silent]
Erica: Congratulations Preston, I wish you well.

I slept with her... and the whole time I was thinking of Meredith... who's the whore?


(to Meredith) If you want me to stay, I'll stay.


Grey's Anatomy Season 4 Quotes

Everyday is my mothers birthday. My mother was born in March. He lied. He's a liar. And I'm glad. Really, I'm glad that you found him charming. I'm sure he was delightful. He's a blast after five drinks, not so much after nine though; he gets a little weepy and mean. He's a drunk, Meredith. He probably came in and told you how wonderful you are. How sad he is he doesn't get to spend more time with you. You know, yesterday he told me I was his favorite daughter. The day before, I was an ungrateful bitch. The week before, he wrote me a check for $20,000 because he said I deserved everything life had to offer, because he was so proud of me, a lifetime's worth of proud. So thank you for letting me know that I need to keep a better eye on him. Thanks.


Meredith: I will take the ER and your interns.
Cristina: Are you sure?
Meredith: Take the surgery. Makes you feel better and you start to regain strength. [leaves]
Alex: I saw the whole thing, Yang. You can stop pretending.
Cristina: Oh I'm not pretending. I'm sad. I'm very sad. Me so sad!
Alex: Yes, you tried.
Cristina: Hey, forget it. Sad is mine. Go, find your own pretend-emotion.