Klingon Captain: Why should I help?
Gwyn: Because in the infinite of space, everyone needs to know there’s a place out there willing to accept us all, no matter how different we think we are. Without Starfleet, the Federation crumbles, and that dream dies with it. If they’ve ever helped you as they’ve helped us, then hear my words - allies, civilians, outsiders, anyone, Starfleet needs you now or it will not survive.

There’s nothing we can do. We can’t warp away. We can’t stop the signal. It’s annihilation.


Star Trek: Prodigy Season 1 Episode 19 Quotes

Dal: Tell me you’re getting our controls back.
Zero: Perhaps to bypass the software blockade all it takes is a hardware reconfiguration.
Rok: What?
Zero: We ‘hot-wire’ it.

Jankom: Oooh, that’s one mean-looking welcome wagon.
Zero: Indeed. The amount of firepower from that many starships would make a rather unpleasant welcome.