Seb: I know you’re worried, but it’s all going to be OK because of you. There’s a danger that once this door opens more dead will come through.
Eliot: This is insane.
Seb: Not if you seal it fast.
Eliot: You didn’t just bring me here to help you. You knew that I would try to stop you. Deep down, I know you want that too.
Seb: If I wanted you to stop me, I wouldn’t have cast on that door 20 minutes ago.

Santa: Oh hey, Alice.
Alice: Did I sleep until December?
Santa: I couldn’t resist giving out a few more gifts while I’m here. Given your quest-heavy lifestyle, there’s no guarantee any of you will live to see Christmas. Sit, have a cookie.

Fen: The first thing you have to do is explain why you want to build a new world.
George: To you?
Fen: To the seed. It’s alive, and in order to grow, it needs to know exactly what you want and why. The seed will know if you lie and refuse to grow.
Paloma: We’ve made powerful enemies here on earth, and one cursed us, making us…
George: Unable to have children. But on a new world, beyond the reach of our enemies, we hope to have a family.
Fen: Uh OK. I have to admit that’s not a motive I could have guessed, but do you really think you’d make the best parents?

Penny: I spent my whole life thinking my mom was a basket case. You’re telling me she’s fine.
Julia: She was fine with me. We need to see how she is with you. Look, I won’t pretend I can even imagine what this is like for you, but you won’t be alone.

Margo: I think I speak for the group in wondering why the fuck did we all Chorus Line?
Alice: And I heard all of you in my head, not just Marina.
Josh: Yeah, what the hell?
Zelda: Our circumstances are unstable. Our collective surge of emotion must have broken down some of the spells’ barriers. And as for the singing, well, it was designed by a conductor, and music is the purest manifestation of feeling.
Josh: So let me get this straight, every time we have a feeling, we’re gonna go full on Glee. That doesn’t seem ideal for, you know, a heist.

George: Thank you Henry.
Fogg 17: George, my pleasure.
Paloma: On our new world, you can have your own island.
Fogg 17: No, I want my own goddamn country.
Paloma: Fine.

Eliot: Alice, whatever it is, whatever you’re feeling, you can…you can just tell me.
Alice: I just can’t stop thinking about what he did to me. I was so useless, so stupid.

Josh: I will kill Julia. You have my solemn word as a devout Catholic.
Sir Effingham: A hero has risen, with a most excellent singing voice.
Josh: Ha, well, we’ll karaoke in Fillory because it’s definitely not getting destroyed.

Penny: I need to know everything you went through. When did you start hearing voices?
Neela: About three months into the pregnancy. At first they thought it was a chemical imbalance, but after you were born I started to get worse. They said the stress of parenting brought on a latent psychological disorder, probably one I’d inherited. The first time I had to send you away… I hear myself say that and I still can’t believe I did it. I am so sorry.
Penny: Mom, I’m OK. I need you to tell me everything you can.
Neela: The voices went away when you did, and when you came back so did they. Every time you came back, there was less and less of the little boy.
Penny: Mom, this isn’t about me.
Neela: I wanted so much to raise you, love you, protect you, but what you needed protection from was me. What?
Penny: Mom?
Neela: I’m sorry. Someone’s calling me. What is it? What do you need?
Penny: Mom, there’s no one calling you.
Neela: Of course there is. It must be one of my patients. There’s more of them. You don’t hear them? They’re screaming.
Penny: I don’t.
Neela: Oh no, no, no, no, not again. Please stop.

Marina: Magnus Delacord.
Kady: Top hedge West Coast.
Marina: Best friends, George and Paloma Ball.
Margo: The Balls.
Eliot: Explains why they go by the Couple.

Julia: Look, I get this is hard, OK.
Penny: Julia, no.
Julia: But we have to do everything we can in our power to make sure that our child has a better mother than you did.
Penny: He already does.
Julia: She might, if we can find out what happens to traveler moms, and the only one we can talk to is yours.
Penny: I don’t even know where she is.
Julia: I do. Connecticut, according to the locator spell.
Penny: OK, you realize you are getting more intense every day and impossible to argue with, and it is kind of scary.
Julia: Hormones dude. Enjoy the ride.

Zelda: Well, there’s the conductor spell. Created by a conductor who was going blind so he and his orchestra could still communicate.
Josh: Wouldn’t all those voices be kind of confusing?
Zelda: Each musician only hears the conductor but never one another.
Fen: I’m totally sure I don’t understand and totally sure it’s going to work.
Alice: Why wouldn’t it set off the hotel protections?
Zelda: The spell was designed to help artists, so by nature, it’s innocuous.
Margo: You’ll be the conductor then?
Zelda: I would, but I don’t know the hotel, not like…
Alice: So wait, not only are we breaking into a hotel of horrors but our conductor has to be a psychopath.
Marina: Sociopath, technically.

The Magicians Season 5 Quotes

Fogg: Ah, god damn it. Shit. My apologies.
Julia: Dean Fogg?
Fogg: I was waiting for the right moment to interject, and well, that never came.
Penny: Are you drunk?
Fogg: No, and I’m sorry about the scotch. I was smelling it.

Penny: Julia, you ready? Wow, wow, you look …
Julia: Overdressed.
Penny: Great.
Julia: I thought you said this was a date.
Penny: I said I was taking you out and to dress appropriately.
Julia: That means dress up. You totally told me to dress up.
Penny: I should have been more specific.
Julia: Good. Glad to hear you accept the blame.