90210 Reviews

90210 Review: Tis Pathetic...

90210 Review: Tis Pathetic...

Fists were thrown, hearts were broken and surprises came a mile a minute on this week's 90210. How did everything get so out of hand so quickly? Find out in this week's review.
Posted in: 90210
90210 Review: The Cost of Love

90210 Review: The Cost of Love

Naomi and PJ's relationship is tested on this week's episode of 90210. Read our review to find out if they were strong enough to make it through!
Posted in: 90210
90210 Review: Blue Balls

90210 Review: Blue Balls

PJ proposed; Naomi almost went comatose and Dixon and Adrianna were nearly deposed from the ranks of superstardom. Find out what went down in this week's review of 90210.
Posted in: 90210
90210 Review: Truth or Consequences

90210 Review: Truth or Consequences

Dixon discovered he has a heart defect on this episode of 90210, while Ivy learned Raj was in the hospital and ditched Diego to be with him. Read on a full review.
Posted in: 90210
90210 Review: Desperate Housewives

90210 Review: Desperate Housewives

Naomi and Jen realize they are both gunning for Preston's attention. Read our review of this week's 90210 to see who won the competition!
Posted in: 90210
90210 Review: The Bitch Is Back?

90210 Review: The Bitch Is Back?

Ever wonder what Naomi would like in a latex sex suit or whether Ivy really has what it takes to be a street artist? Imagine no more and find out just what happened on this week's 90210.
Posted in: 90210
90210 Review: Karmageddon!

90210 Review: Karmageddon!

What happened when deep dark secrets were revealed and Hell came to L.A. when no cars were allowed? Find out in this week's review of 90210!
Posted in: 90210
90210 Review: Can You Hear Me Now?

90210 Review: Can You Hear Me Now?

They say resolutions are broken within a week or so of the new year and this week's episode of 90210 did not fail to deliver on that promise. Meaning what, exactly? Find out now!
Posted in: 90210
90210 Review: Silent Night

90210 Review: Silent Night

Not all Christmas presents come wrapped up in shiny new bows. Find out who got a lump of coal in their stocking in this week's 90210 review.
Posted in: 90210
90210 Review: Lose Yourself

90210 Review: Lose Yourself

Sometimes all you want to do is run away from your problems. Find out who did just that and who found themselves in this week's 90210 review.
Posted in: 90210
90210 Review: The Hangover

90210 Review: The Hangover

This week's 90210 dealt with the fallout from the trip to Vegas. Read our review to find out who got burned the worst.
Posted in: 90210
90210 Review: Beverly Hills Got Talent

90210 Review: Beverly Hills Got Talent

Loves were lost, loves were found and the Beverly Hills gang found out what really makes the world go round. Find out what we're talking about in this week's 90210 review.
Posted in: 90210
90210 Review: To the Max!

90210 Review: To the Max!

They say revenge is a dish best served cold. But with tempers boiling over on 90210, revenge was served piping hot this week. Find out what happened in our review.
Posted in: 90210
90210 Review: Going Greek

90210 Review: Going Greek

Revenge and geek chic were in the air this week on 90210. Find out how the backstabbing turned out in this week's review!
Posted in: 90210
90210 Review: "Rush Hour"

90210 Review: "Rush Hour"

90210 gave us a look into the Greek life at CU this week. Come along as we go over the latest shenanigans in Beverly Hills.
Posted in: 90210
90210 Season Premiere Review: So Long, Summer!

90210 Season Premiere Review: So Long, Summer!

So how was your summer vacation? Seems like the Beverly Hills gang went through some major changes. And all from the sublime to the ridiculous. Read on for a 90210 season premiere review.
Posted in: 90210
90210 Review: "The Prom Before the Storm"

90210 Review: "The Prom Before the Storm"

The future is ours? In what may have been one of the more emotional episodes this season, the 90210 gang was letting it all hang out before it all comes to an end next week.
Posted in: 90210


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


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