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All My Children
Episode Recap
August 22, 2008

As All My Children gets underway, Babe and JR make love. Later, as they bask in the afterglow, Adam barges in on the startled couple to announce that he's had a brainstorm.

Using the copy she secretly made, Kendall searches for the post office box which fits Annie's key. Randi explains to Frankie how Fletcher murdered her best friend and got off scot free.

Ryan bumps into Greenlee and Aidan at the gym. Babe points out to JR how much they've both changed since they first met. Jake is amused when Amanda calls his bluff and arrives at Confusion in full pirate gear.

Carmen gives Adam a bright idea after she suffers an allergic reaction to his new aftershave. Richie continues to taunt his tormented sister from beyond the grave.

Carmen tells her intrigued employer about her upcoming date with Jackson. Aidan confides to Ryan how he's been contemplating a career change.

Kendall and Greenlee open Annie's P.O. box and find an envelope addressed to Ryan. JR finally fills Babe in on his scheme to take over Fusion. Dre and Cass prepare to run away together.

What happens next?
Find out next week on All My Children ...

All My Children
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