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Manson looks up Hodiak in the phonebook and prepares his gun. He watches Opal through the window. Cut hears something outside, and investigates with his gun. Manson gets the drop on him. Manson is upset to not find Hodiak, and makes Cut strip. As he's about to shoot Cut in the back of the head, Cut fights back. Opal sees the altercation and calls the police, but Manson gets away.

The officer questioning Cut takes a description, and wonders if Hodiak and Cut's wife know about the affair.

Sadie and Katie are on the way to pick up Mary.

Hodiak asks the LAPD FBI liason officer to follow Robbie Arthur in hopes of finding Walt. Tully hands Hodiak a case.

The case is at Paramount Studios, the victim is an actor, Raymond Novo.  He's been nailed to the wall beneath a cross. 

Hodiak interviews Novo's much younger fiancee. She's upset but not distraught. Only a ruby ring is missing from the dressing room.

Sadie and Katie arrive in San Francisco. Mary's pregnant, and has become more mainstream. Sadie convinces Mary to come with them by talking about how much Charlie misses her. She also tells Mary that Manson wants her to bring stock papers. 

Hodiak interviews a priest about the symbology of the murder. The priest tries to convince Hodiak to come back to church.

Charmain sees the photos of the murder, and Hodiak tells her to toughen up before inviting her to help him with the case. Cutler tells her to get the filing done before working the case. 

Cutlers gets an update on the drug case from Shafe. Cutler doesn't think the case is going anywhere.

While exploring the backlot in an attempt to match the nail. A studio lawyer mistakes her for an entertainer, and she tells him off. She tells Hodiak that the nail is commonly available, but that there were a bunch laying around a studio near the dressing room.

Hodiak interviews the night watchman, Bert,  who was on duty the night of the murder. Bert reveals that there were no "girls" with Novo when he entered the lot.

The fiancee knew that Novo was gay. 

Cutler is more concerned about Charmain's filing than the attack at Hodiak's house. He benches her from the investigation.

Hodiak tries to investigate at a gay bar, but the bartender is a guy he busted for being gay 15 years ago. He convinces Shafe to go undercover instead. 

Manson orders Katie to "hang out" with Roy in exchange for a favor -- he needs a gun. 

Kristin and Shafe discuss the undercover assignment. He's obviously uncomfortable at the bar, but it's assumed it's his first time. 

Hodiak razzes Shafe about how he did at the bar. The lieutenant is back, and authorizes the resumption of Shafe's drug case. Tully tries to impress the lieutenant, with limited success.

Shafe returns to the gay bar, and spins a story about having jewelry stolen. As Shafe starts talking to a young man, Hodiak calls telling him to head home. The studio put the kibosh on the investigation, fearing it would harm Novo's image and thus profits.

Cutler is impotent with Opal, and he finds Sam's watch on the floor. 

Shafe and Hodiak discuss homosexuality, and the nature of men. Hodiak takes a drink out his locker.

The man who Shafe was about to talk to is seen wearing Novo's ring and walking out of the bar with the kind man who first approached Shafe.

Cutler gives Hodiak back his watch. 

Sadie, and Katie return with Mary. Mary was beaten by Charlie in the past, which he does not apologize for. Emma claims Mary's baby belongs to the group collectively..




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Aquarius Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

I'd do it myself, but I'm burned...and apparently not...handsome or some -- I'm a grandma or something.


I knew your heart as a boy, Samson. A little too brave, a little too caring. Tough combination. Hearts don't change. Guard yours. It's a good one.
