Reunited and Under Attack - Arcane
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Flashback to Viktor's childhood where he meets Singed and his mutated creature, Rio.

In the present, Viktor sits in the clock tower where Heimerdinger finds him.

Mel is painting when Jayce comes to share Viktor's news and find comfort in her, to her surprise.

Viktor studies the Hexcore and realizes that it reacts to organic matter.

In The Last Drop, Jinx grills the bartender for information.

Vi guide Caitlyn to the entrance to her old living space. Sevika and her men are in pursuit but miss their turn-off. A Firelight watches from a distance.

Sevika comes to see Silco about Vi's escape, but finds Jinx there instead. She tells Jinx that Vi has returned with an Enforcer. Jinx kills Sevika.

Silco goes to Marcus' house with a couple of thugs and Marcus finds him playing with Marcus's daughter. Silco threatens to kill her if Marcus doesn't get rid of Vi and Caitlyn.

Viktor demonstrates the Hexcores ability to respond to organic matter. Jayce sees it as a way to cure Viktor.

In the old clubhouse, Vi hallucinates memories of Powder.

Heimerdinger is alarmed by the powers of the Hexcore and demands that it be destroyed. Jayce refuses to destroy it and intends to bring it to the Council.

Viktor's mentions he knows someone else that could help. Jayce prepares for the Council meeting.

Caitlyn leaves the clubhouse to find help and finds one of Vander's regulars outside. He's a Shimmer junkie and offers to take her to a potion-maker. She trades her rifle for the potion.

Marcus gives Jayce Silco's evidence and claims the Firelights are planning more attacks. Jayce orders all travelers to be searched.

Heimerdinger cautions the Council on moving too far too fast. Jayce contends that Heimerdinger's way is stagnating and causing much suffering. Jayce makes the motion that Heimerdinger be retired from the Council. It is passed unanimously.

Caitlyn gives Vi the potion and she revives, healed. They exit the clubhouse and find Silco outside giving out Shimmer to the junkies, including Vander's regular who has sold out Vi.

Elsewhere in Zaun, Jinx stands on a landing and weighs the gemstone against the flare Vi gave her years ago.

Rather than fight Silco's crew, Vi brings down the clubhouse structure on them all. She and Caitlyn escape. Vi spots the flare.

In the Overcity, Marcus and his Enforcers set up barricades.

In a flashback, young Viktor comes to Singed to find Rio hooked up to be kept alive despite their suffering. He abandons Singed and his research. In the present, Viktor seeks out Singed in Silco's labs. Rio is now in a containment tube. Viktor says he understands now.

Silco returns to his desk and finds Sevika displayed above his desk.

As the flare peters out, Jinx gives up but Vi appears just then. Their reunion is short-lived when Caitlyn shows up. Jinx gets mad and starts hearing voices. Caitlyn realizes Jinx is Vi's sister.

Firelights attack them. The gemstone falls from Jinx's bag. Caitlyn gets it but a Firelight takes it from her and signals the others. Vi sees how Powder/Jinx fights now and is horrified. She is knocked out and the Leader orders her taken alive. Jinx is left alone once again.

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Arcane Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Viktor: Do you contemplate death, Professor?
Heimerdinger: Only that of friends.

Heimerdinger: You should be proud of what you've accomplished, Viktor.
Viktor: Figments. My contributions will be short-lived, even in your memory.