Marcel Vs the Oncology Chief - Chicago Med Season 9 Episode 7
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The medical team plays shuffleboard at a local place. It's a party for Sean's one year sobriety. Sean has a lot of thank yous and is grateful for so many things. He figures if he's anything like Archer, he's moving in the right direction. Archer has a reare display of emotion, actually hugging Sean and saying he loves him. 

Daniel's girlfriend is back! She thinks he's lazy because he wants to order in for dinner. Sharon sees them kissing. Sharon says she was hoping she would catch him. She has to tell Bert where his cereal bowls are. He offers to stop by and look in on Bert after work.

Ripley complains about some guy who is moving very slowly and the guy is annoyed and counts his steps.

Asher and Ripley talk about how he had an early morning run. He's gonna run agian later He's hardcore about his run.

The door guy is still in the way and holding up everyone. RIpley tries to talk to him. The security guard has had enough and pulls him out of the door. The guy faints.

Archer deals with a woman who is freaking out. She has a snake in her ear and doesn't want Archer to hrt him. Charles helps. She wants to take the snake home. Archer suggests the snake not share her pillow. Ripley interrupts to get Charles. Ripley is worried about the OCD guy and says that he won't let him take an EKG because the leads aren't symmetrical.

Archer and Hannah tease each other about their potential love interests. They are short staffed so Hannah is asked to help with a woman who became dizzy at the grocery store. Her husband says she has had a pounding heart and is sweaty and gross.  Hannah orders a pregnancy test.

Jason's EKG is all messed up but he won't let them put the leads in the right place. He says Ripley has to stay where he is or things will be out of balance.. Charles asks him about his treatment for OCD. Jason says a strict routine is the only thing that works. Ripley tries again to convince him to do the EKG properly. He won't. Charles says they can draw the same amount of blood from each arm.

Ripley tells Charles he thinks this is crazy. Charles explains that this helps him stay calm. Compulsions are a coping mechanism against the dark, intrusive thoughts. Ripley says there are other patients who need help too. Charles wants to talk to Jason's mom.

Marcel sees a woman who fell at the bottom of the steps. She has occasional headaches and says she is too into dollar margerita night. Washingotn shows up and knows her. She says she's been cancer-free for two decades. Marcel wants some scans.

Sharon runs into Washington. He's glad to run into her. She is not free for lunch as she has back to back meetings, but will he settle for dinner?

Asher says her patient's labs look good but her pregnancy test is negative. She does a chest x-ray and discovers a foreign object in the heart.

Marisol has a rod 4 centimeters long in her artery. She had surgery when she was a baby but no other surgeries. She says 3 months ago she had a birth control implant. Her husband is shocked. He thought she wanted kids. She's freaked out about the state of the world. Archer agrees with her. Anyway the implant might have been placed improperly. Archer says the surgery to remove it is not invasive.

Asher thinks Archer is punting the surgery to IR. He says no one has seen this before so IR is the safest possible path. Maybe she should scrub in if she's so worried.

Marcel returns to his patient. There is a tumor in her neck pressing on an artery. She is dreading this moment. Marcel says the tumor is confined to her neck so maybe there is a surgical option. He wants to operate today. He feels the tumor is in a precarious position that could cause loss of consciousness, visual disturbances, stroke. She wants him to let Washington know. He says he'll page him now.

Charles talks to Jason's mother who apologizes for his behavior. She says Jason was like this even as a toddler but it was was worse when his father died when he was 10.

Ripley has gotten Jason's labs back. He has most likely had a heart attack, judging from the proteins in his blood. Jason doesn't like that his mom tries to comfort him instead of standing in her place. He says he has to have a second heart attack for symmetry. His mother tries to convince him. He insists he has to have another heart attack before he does anything.

Washington says the tumor will respond to radiation. He says he discussed the options with the patient and radiation is where to start, so she has rescinded her consent. They don't need a surgeon. Marcle says he's taking this upstairs.

Asher's patient begins bleeding out. They need Archer.

Ripley wants Jason's mother to agree to a psych hold.  Charles tells him that will be bad for Jason and he wants a little more time to get through to him.

Washington and Marcel argue about which is best. Sharon sides with Washington. Washington leaves. Marcel says this isn't right. He thinks she sided with Washington because of their relationship. She is offended.

Charles says he gets how incredibly difficult all this must be for you. What if they could help him? Jason says you can't. Charles says don't you want to feel a little less of a prisoner of your own mind? I wonder if you're scared that if something bad happens it's your fault? Is that how you felt about your dad's heart attack? Jason says his dad was walking him to school and didn't let him put an even number of steps because they were late. And when he lost count his dad dropped to the pavement. When he couldn't keep count in the revolving door he had a heart attack too. He didn't want to kill his mom. He wants to have a second heart attack to protect his mom.

Marisol is still bleeding. Lung fused to the chest wall. Archer says he needs to remove part of her lung.

Archer begins the procedure. They get the rod out too.

CHarles updates Ripley. He thinks he can decouple the compulsion from the fear but he needs Ripley's help. He and Ripley tell Jason that he can meet Dr. Tanaka Reed and see what's going on with his mom. They also will give him a sedative.

Hillary collapses when she gets up to get in a wheelchair. Marcel tells Sharon this is a change in the condition -- she needs the surgery now.

Dr. Tanaka-Reed introduces himself to Jason. Jason is allowed to observe and Ripley and Charles are with him.

Sharon talks to Washington. This new complication changes the calculus. Washington agrees that radiation is no longer viable. But Hillary won't consent unless he agrees to. He says in his early years a lot of the pediatric cancer patients he had died but Hillary survived and that gave him hope. Sharon is confident Marcel can do this. He says okay.

Washington tells the patient he will be there when she wakes up. Marcel promises to take good care of him.

Charles gets up and Jason freaks out about how it will make his mother die. Charles shows him the surgery is finished now and she's fine. Jason cries. He is shocked that his mom is okay.

Marisol wakes up. Asher reassures her this method of birth control is safe. Marisol says there's never a really good time to have a child. She's just scared of becoming a parent. She didn't talk to her husband because she was ashamed. Archer tells her that he was scared too when Sean was born. He and Sean give each other grief but he's still the best thing that ever happened to him. Marisol has a lot to figure out.

Marcel tells Washington the surgery went great. He apologizes to Sharon for what he said earlier. He leaves and Washington comes back and asks what happened. They're still on for dinner.

Jason has had his stent put in and hopefully this is a step in the right direction. Charles convinces Ripley to skip his run tonight.

Archer runs into Margo.  They have an awkward vonversation culminating in Archer asking her to go out "sometime." She says call me and we'll make a date.

Asher sees Ripley limping along. He tells her he is walking to rest his leg. She offers him a ride. She invites him to her place for epic herbal tea.


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Chicago Med Season 9 Episode 7 Quotes

Snake's out. Start the discharge paperwork and do me a favor. Next time someone comes in with a reptile in their orifice, give it to a resident.


Ripley: I admit I can be a little hardcore when it comes to my routine.
Asher: I get it. I go to meetings. You run.