Community News

Community Review: Fat Dog for Midterms

Community Review: Fat Dog for Midterms

This week on Community, Annie and Professor Hickey would not be stopped in their quest to hang a bulletin board... not even by guest star Nathan Fillion! So, did that board finally get hung?
Posted in: Community
Community Review: Scoot-enanny

Community Review: Bon Troyage

This week on Community, Troy bid Greendale goodbye... but Abed tried to hold on to him with one last game. Did it work? Find out in our review!
Posted in: Community
Community Review: The Color Blurple

Community Review: The Color Blurple

This week on Community, Pierce's will demands that the group submit to a polygraph test. Will the study group survive the exposure of their secrets? Find out in our review!
Posted in: Community
Community Review: Crack is Wack

Community Review: Crack is Wack

This week on Community, a criminal is loose in Greendale. A criminal who puts coins down pants. Could the study group stop him? Or did they become his next victims? Find out in our review!
Posted in: Community
Community Review: Gas Leak Year


On the season premiere of Community, Jeff Winger and the rest of the crew return to Greendale. But can they find new beginnings at the school they left behind? Find out in our review!
Posted in: Community

Community Quotes

Abed: This is kinda like Breakfast Club, right?
Pierce: Is there breakfast?

The state bar has suspended my license. They found out my college degree was less than legitimate.
