Fringe Spoilers

Ahead on Fringe...

Ahead on Fringe...

Fringe returns with a new episode on March 11. But you don't need to wait that long to watch a few clips from "Os."
Posted in: Fringe
Fringe First Look: "6B"

Fringe First Look: "6B"

Fringe air a brand new episode on Friday, February 18. Get your first look at "6B" in this sneak peek.
Posted in: Fringe
Fringe Spoilers: What is The Machine?

Fringe Spoilers: What is The Machine?

In a new interview, Fringe producers Jeff Pinkner and J.H. Wyman touch on a number of topics. Foremost among them: what can viewers expect in 2011, when the show moves to Fridays?
Posted in: Fringe

Fringe Quotes

Walter: It's a shame I don't have a lab. I'd like to examine him.
Peter: You do have a lab, Walter. Your lab at Harvard.
Walter: Yes. I do, don't I?

Just your average multi-national corporation specializing in secret bio research and defense contracting. Massive Dynamic. Seems like such an innocent name for a corporation, don't you think?


Fringe Music

  Song Artist
Song Poor Little Fool Ricky Nelson iTunes
Dear Mr. Fantasy Traffic iTunes
Blue Bayou Roy Orbison iTunes