Tell The Story - Interview with the Vampire Season 2 Episode 2
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Louis and Armand talk to Daniel about Paris, a time of reawakening for Louis. Louis and Claudia begin to heal in the new city and find their way.

Armand says it’s practice for traveling vampires to make themselves known to the local coven, but Claudia and Louis were unaware, so the coven watches them afar for five months, even cleaning up after them.

To pass the time, Louis takes up photography while Claudia struggles to find her joy in the new city. Claudia also permits Louis to explore a life away from her. She challenges him to think about who he could be without Claudia or Lestat and how he could get there.

Claudia goes into a clothing store after hours, giving up all the money and possessions in her pockets to get a silk dress.

Rashid brings Daniel the Paris albums from 1946-1949, which show various people, humans, and vampires who were around at that time.  

Louis goes to a local Paris park where sexual activities are taking place and is approached by Armand. He tells Louis to come to the Théâtre des Vampires and to bring Claudia.

Claudia and Louis go to the theater and notice that everything is a farce. The ushers are dressed as vampires, there is corn syrup blood, and the lead actor hooks himself to a rope when Santiago is flying.

During the last play of the evening, a woman runs on stage and says she was kidnapped. She tells the audience they are real vampires, but no one does anything. Santiago then calms her before biting her. More vampires descend upon her, killing her on stage in front of the audience, who believe they’re still watching a show.

After the play, Armand takes Louis and Claudia backstage, where they meet everyone involved in the theater. Santiago asks who made them, and the two lie about their maker, whom they claimed jumped into the fire.

Claudia then inquires about the man in the painting on the wall, and Louis sees it’s Lestat. Armand says Lestat was a founding member of the theater.

In Dubai, Daniel makes fun of this revelation, calling the story a telenovela. Armand also admits to briefly being with Lestat.

Back at their apartment, Louis and Claudia argue, as Lestat is worried the vampires will discover they killed Lestat.

Ensuring Lestat is dead, Louis goes to Lestat’s bank in Paris. The banker says Lestat hasn’t touched his account in years, and while he isn’t sure if he’s dead, he gives Louis a box of Lestat’s.

In the box is a letter addressed to Louis in which he tells him not to seek revenge against whoever killed him and decries that his love only belongs to him.

In Dubai, Daniel mocks Louis and Lestat, which causes Louis to get into his head and bring up a memory of Alice declining his marriage proposal, which upsets Daniel.

The coven invites Claudia and Louis to a group hunt, and they drive out of the city to a mansion in the countryside. Santiago kills the guards and gets information on everything inside before the coven and Claudia goes inside.

Louis and Armand stay outside while chaos ensues inside the house. They both admit to thinking about the other, and Armand tells him he can help him block his thoughts better. He knows there’s something Louis didn’t tell them about Lestat, and he also tells him never to return to the bank again.

Interview with the Vampire
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Interview with the Vampire Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Louis: Our skin did not attract the same attention it did in America.
Daniel: Right, because there wasn't any racism in mid-20th century France.
Louis: Oh, I didn't say that.
Armand: He didn't day that.

Daniel: Are you two gonna finish each other's sentences for the whole session?
Louis: We've been together 77 years, Daniel.
Armand: 47 more than he did with Lestat.
Louis: Should we let the math of that settle before continuing?
Daniel: Keep selling it.