On Mulaney Season 1 Episode 3 Mofit believes that he is being haunted by a a ghost, while Mulaney is stealing the ghost's jokes in order to save his job with Lou. Jane is using the situation to her advantage to try and get a new apartment. Find out how Mulaney's situation leads him to grave robbing when you watch Mulaney online.

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When you watch Mulaney Season 1 Episode 3 you will see how Mulaney is driven to grave robbing in order to save his job. You will also find out if Motif is really being haunted by the ghost of his neighbor and how Jane is using the situation to her advantage.

Episode Details

It's Halloween on Mulaney and there are ghosts, grave robing and comedy stealing. Find out who is being haunted by a ghost and how it helps Mulaney keep his job with Lou.

Rating: 4.1 / 5.0 (9 Votes)
Episode Number:

Mulaney Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Impossible. I was doing a lot of anti cat stuff. The mice love that.


Halloween is the least sentimental holiday. No one is ever like 'I should give mom a call. Ever since pop died she never goes out on Halloween dressed as a power ranger and takes ecstasy.'
