A Sinister Plot - NCIS: New Orleans
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Parsons and Lonzo pick up a truck full of weapons, killing the driver, and Sydney records that. The team can't use the files because they were illegally obtained. LaSalle and the team will try to figure out the attack. Pride goes to warn the Navy about a potential attack on Fleet Week, but Barlow ridicules him and no one believes him. Sydney and Parsons brawl, with Gregorio arriving just after Sydney comes out on top. Barlow has caused the IRS to investigate tax fraud by LaSalle's company, drawing him away. Loretta calls Pride, the mayor and Gossett together. Sebastian's evidence suggests Lonzo has rocket-powered grenades. Pride is allowed off the bench, and will ride with Gossett. The IRS is tying up LaSalle with years of returns. Crane returns with the dirt on Barlow that he and Rita dug up. Patton locates Lonzo's van, and surveillance appears to show Pride driving it. Crane found out Barlow has a history of setting up his opponents to make himself look good. A reception of dignitaries on a ship is the target. Gossett is part of Barlow's plan, and Pride is trapped by him and Lonzo, with the rockets on the boat. Gossett sends out a mayday saying that Pride took over his patrol boat and shot him. Barlow is at the reception, so the attack has another target: Mayor Taylor's motorcade, with Loretta in it. Gregorio's call reaches Loretta. Pride takes out Gosset and Lonzo, but not before a shot was fired. Loretta and the mayor get out in time. The Coast Guard shoot Gossett. Sydney is at Barlow's office as he's trying to shred documents. She shows him Oliver's expose, and she's the source. She leaves him his gun so he can kill himself. Pride is fully reinstated. Pride is shot twice at the end by Parsons. 

NCIS: New Orleans
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NCIS: New Orleans Season 4 Episode 24 Quotes

Gregorio: Are you OK?
Sydney: I'm better than her [referring to Parsons].

Boy, you people really are intrusive!

Sydney [to Gregorio]