Pretty Little Liars: Summer School - Season 1 Episode 3
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The episode begins with Mouse watching a reenactment of Archie and Angela on Spookie Spaghetti before she sees a post about her and the girls, along with all of their new secret numbers.

The girls gather at the school to discuss this new development in their personal information while also briefly discussing Mouse's birthdate. All the girls agree that it isn't a good idea to throw a birthday party.

While Mouse meets Dr. Sullivan, the girls secretly meet to make plans for Mouse's surprise birthday party.

Christian invites Tabby to his house to watch horror movies and show her his collection of horror memorabilia. After discovering replicas of "A's" and Bloody Rose's masks, Tabby panics and leaves Christian's.

The girls each deal with the different aspects of their summer jobs. Noa confronts Jen about stealing on the job, and Faran deals with her fellow lifeguards pranking her.

After a talk with Imogen, Tabby reconciles with Christian before inviting him to Mouse's surprise party.

When Imogen takes a nap at work, she dreams about Bloody Rose as her hallucinations continue to plague her.

After Faran confesses to Henry that she's been able to dance for weeks, Henry takes some space from her. Back at the pool, a little girl almost drowns because one of the male lifeguards isn't doing his job.

Faran fires him on the spot.

While Mouse's birthday party is going on, her grandmother drops Mouse off at the wrong location, where Bloody Rose traps her inside an old arcade.

The girls and Ash show up at the dilapidated arcade just as Mouse narrowly escapes the burning building.

Pretty Little Liars: Summer School
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Pretty Little Liars: Summer School Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Maybe try being a little less of a hardass and more of a regular person—you know, one of the guys.


Imogen, due respect, get over yourself. It's summer. I'm single. I'm hot. I'm not looking for a girlfriend right now and just because you're some kind of prude, don't ice my game.
