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Harvey struggles to make sense of his mother's death, but he decides to return home to take down Faye. 

Little does he know that Samantha and Mike have made a plan to take Faye down, once and for all. 

Faye got one over on them all when she decided that it was time for Harvey and Louis to represent her. 

But she said that they could not tell any the others or she would not leave the firm without causing some problems. 

This proved to be difficult, and ultimately Katrina was the one to open up about what was happening. 

Harvey flipped out when he learned the truth, and Faye fired her for collusion. 

Meanwhile, Harvey's mother left a letter behind for him with an engagement ring, saying that it may well be Donna's one day. 

In the end, Harvey decided to play nice with Mike, but he realized he had to serve him with a subpoena. 

Mike laughed it off, but he realized he was serious and they argued. 

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Suits Season 9 Episode 9 Quotes

Lily: Can I get your autograph?
Harvey: Where's dad?
Lily: Oh, sweetheart. He wanted to be here.
Harvey: You said he would be here.
Lily: Harvey, his gig got extended last night and I didn't want to tell you before the game.
Harvey: So, you lied and pretended he was going to be here when you knew he wasn't.
Lily: Harvey, stop.
Harvey: That was the most important game of my life, and he wasn't here.
Lily: And he feels horrible about it, but your dad is working his butt off for us.
Harvey: So what? I just played the best I ever have and every time I looked up, the only person I could see was you. How could you do that to me?
Lily: I'm doing the best I can, Harvey. None of us are perfect.
Harvey: Yeah, well I was today, and now it's all ruined because of you.

Harvey: You're screwed, Faye, because you got no defense.
Faye: Yes, I do. Because you two are going to represent me.