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As they wait for word from Brooke, Eric interrupts Donna's chat with Storm (William deVry). He confides to Donna that he has decided to hand deliver the divorce papers to Stephanie right now. Knowing what her sister is up to, Donna hints that Eric (John McCook) should wait.

Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang) argues with Stephanie that her brother is a good man but Stephanie wonders what he'll do the next time someone in his family is upset. Brooke reminds her of her promise but Stephanie claims she cannot lie to the police. She urges her to go tell Storm to turn himself in.

Brooke stuns Katie (Heather Tom) when she admits she told Stephanie that Storm shot her. Both sisters blast her for leaking the secret and worry what will happen now. When Storm learns Brooke's plan failed, he says that it's over and goes to see Lieutenant Baker (Mykel Shannon Jenkins).

Eric stops by the mansion and says he's there to deliver divorce papers to Stephanie, who reminds him of all he promised on Christmas. He apologizes if he gave her the wrong impression and says all they've done will always be dear to him. Stephanie offers to do anything to keep the marriage together but he claims it's too late.

After he leaves, Stephanie sulks and comes up with an idea...

The Bold and the Beautiful
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