Point and Shoot - The Irrational Season 1 Episode 6
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Mercer, Marisa, and Jace brainstorm the bomber case, and Alex notices discrepancies in the facts. They decide to follow some leads. Marisa kicks Mercer off the case because he's too close to the case.

Kylie asks Mercer to help her friend whose husband was killed by police.

Mercer learns that the opposing council is someone who cherry-picks psychological aspects to get cops off the hook for killing innocent people.

Mercer sits on the proceedings, and witnesses are questioned. Many claim that an error saw cops end up at the wrong address.

Mercer testifies to the nature of kill squads once they get to killing.

Atwood testifies and counters Mercer's claims.

Mercer notices that the jury is leaning a certain way.

Marisa and Jace visit the bomber's mother.

Mercer introduces the bias theory from paid experts who testify to certain sides of cases.

Mercer says he is not getting paid for Mason's case.

Cops stop Mercer and Kylie in a targeted stop.

Marisa learns that the bureau is aware of her and Jace's relationship. They are also aware of her involvement in Mercer's case.

Kylie refuses to talk about her feelings arising from the stop.

Kylie learns from Mason that the defense is looking to settle for $3m.

Mercer thinks Mason's husband was murdered because he was looking into city violations.

Mercer and Atwood have a live interview with Joy Ann-Reid.

Marisa and Jace interview Jason's mother. She offers essential information.

Mercer learns that the judge who signed the arrest warrant was involved with the development company Joshua was investigating.

Mercer and Atwood set a trap for the judge, and he is arrested.

Mason spends time with Kylie and Mercer, watching Housewives of Potomac.

The Irrational
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The Irrational Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Joshua was afraid, OK? You may not think that black men get scared, but we do. Those officers came to our house at 2 AM, and they never announced themselves like they were supposed to do. We did nothing wrong! They were looking to kill somebody, and they killed my husband!


Jace: Your son ran because he set off the bomb that killed thirteen people. He's no martyr; he's a murderer.
Peter's Mother: Don't talk about him like that!
Jace: He was a sinner who desecrated the House of God.
Peter's Mother: It was an accident. All he wanted to do was return this country to its roots to make us moral, god-fearing people again.