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Alice and Eliot journey to the Mountain of Ghosts to return a piece of Quentin's soul to the Underworld, bickering for most of the trek.

They are later attacked by a Taker, but an unknown man saves them.

They make camp, and Eliot reveals to the stranger he loved Quentin.

While not wanting to tell her, the man convinces Eliot he should share the truth with Alice.

Upon arriving at the top of the mountain, Alice and Eliot have a heart-to-heart where Eliot confesses he and Quentin were more than friends.

After the trio return, the stranger is revealed to be the infamous Dark King.

Margo, Josh, and Fen enact a plan to go back to Fillory and have Margo's banishment marks replaced by competing in an annual tornament.

Both Margo and Fen compete and are victorious. However, they have to spar, something that is made more complicated when Margo finds out Fen is now a werewolf, meaning she slept with Josh.

Margo wins the fight, believing she really killed Fen. Both can forgive her this but are angered when she reveals she was going to let Josh and Fen die to save Fillory.

Lastly, Julia and Penny seek out a Magician named Daniella Marcus, whose discipline is predicting circumstances. They meet Daniella's sister Zoe who says she and Daniella cannot help them.

Despite Zoe's declaration, Daniella ends the episode telling Julia and Penny a huge magicial surge will happen in two weeks, most likely destroying the world.


The Magicians
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The Magicians Season 5 Episode 3 Quotes

Eliot: Where are you going, and why are you dressed like a goth survivalist?
Alice: Fillory, just quick.
Eliot: What’d you got there?
Alice: Nothing. I did a thing; this is a byproduct. I just have to take care of it.
Eliot: Alice, do you need help? You seem a little bit distressed.
Alice: I’m fine. I just have to do it alone.

Eliot: Well, your subjects are rightly grateful.
Margo: For sending that letter, a.k.a. that thing I totally didn’t do. You did.
Eliot: Why split a hair? Let them bake cookies.
Margo: Lie cookies?
Eliot: It’s not a lie. You saved them through me, your advisor, acting on your behalf.
Margo: Nice retcon.
Eliot: Then as a wise king once said: ovary up. Let your subjects be inspired by a simple, uncomplicated story. That’s what the people want.