A Bold Declaration - The Wheel of Time
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Lady Suroth arrives home and gets scolded.

She's punished for taking a village that they cannot hold (the Seanchan), and gets her long nails chopped off.

Padan Fain arrives and gives the high lord a present

Rand questions why he and Moiraine are running.

Lanfear heals, calling Moiraine a bitch, and gets up, going after them.

They find a stable and pick up some horses, and kill the remaining horse so Lanfear can't get it.

A man finds Lanfear with the dead horse, and she kills him, taking his horse.

Elyas crosses a line with Perrin, which causes Perrin to get angry.

Moiraine tells Rand everything about the forsaken.

Perrin tries to save his friend who was killed by the Seanchan but gets interrupted by a woman trapped in the cages, and a man.

The man turns out to be a white cloak, and Perrin learns they pushed out the Seanchan.

Lanfear comes upon the horsewoman, and once she finds out where Moiraine went, she magically sewed the woman's lips together.

Liandrin has the three girls trapped and bound.

Liandrin reveals her allegiance to the dark one to Nynaeve.

Lady Suroth confronts Ishamael.

Perrin frees the woman who needs help in the cage.

They try to run away, but the white cloaks stop Perrin and Aviendha. A battle ensues, and she takes care of all the white cloaks with ease.

Moiraine reveals that Lanfear can enter their dreams and hurt them.

Moiraine returns to her sisters' so she can get some horses.

Verin approaches Sheriam about where Nynaeve, Egwene, and Elayne went.

Verin and Yassica find out that Sheriam did write their dismissal warrant, but figure out it was under some weave of compulsion.

Liandrin delivers the three girls to the Seanchan, but before Liandin leaves, she frees the bonds of Nynaeve's chains.

But before all three get away, Seanchan catches Egwene.

Perrin and Aviendha start to head to Falme.

Nynaeve and Elayne know where they are (Falme), so Elayne warns they need to be careful.

Verin ran into Liandrin back at the tower.

Verin easily reads Liandrin.

Moiraine wants to sleep, staring longingly at a bed, but doesn't give in.

Lanfear and Ishamael have a chat about their plans.

Nynaeve and Elayne wake up to find them taken by a warder and a yellow Ajah.

The Seanchan put a collar on Egwene.

Moiraine wants Rand to use Lanfear to have Rand pretend to be in love with her.

Rand goes to sleep, and he's chained up by Lanfear with his shirt off.

The Wheel of Time
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The Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Moiraine: Lanfear was famous for two things among the Forsaken. Her casual cruelty, and her mastery of Tel'aran'rhiod.
Rand: Tel'aran...?
Moiraine: The world of dreams. She can hurt you just as easily there as here, and the moment you fall asleep, she will have you.

Your song is dying. You've betrayed your sisters. And you're sitting in the dark trying to justify yourself to a woman you just kidnapped. Was your price worth all this?
